Noach - "Noah" Genesis 6:9-11:32

Luke records in 17: 26 Yeshua saying, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man..."  There are a lot of things to learn from the life of Noah.  He was of a long line of Godly men all the way back to Adam.  As a matter of fact, he had the distinct honor of living and learning from Adam while he was still alive.

Yet, after living 500 years, he was completely surrounded by a wicked and evil generation.  This generation was so perverse that YHVH expressed His regrets of making man in the first place. His solution was to wipe man from the face of the earth.  Even so, it is written, "Noah found grace in the eyes of YHVH".

In the story of Noah, we find judgment and grace meeting together in one place.  As his story unfolds, we even find grace riding high upon the very judgment that cleansed wickedness from the earth.  In light of the words of Yeshua, it will be the same for the generation within which we now live.  Whether we receive judgment of grace will be according to our "belief" in Yeshua the Law Giver.

I have written many times concerning simple belief.  That's the belief James says the devils manifest and says of them, "they tremble".  I'm talking about the belief Noah had.  He believed YHVH and put feet to his belief by building an ark exactly as Father instructed.  I'm talking about the belief Abraham expressed by obedience in offering Isaac back to YHVH.

It is as simple as this.  "Belief" is NOT the "sloppy agape" expressed by ignorant church leaders and believed by gullible pew sitters.  True "belief" is NOT free.  It will cost you something.  It causes you to make a choice--your selfish choices or the pure ideals of YHVH.  It is written in Proverbs 3: 5-6, "Trust in Adonai and lean not to your own understanding, but in ALL your ways acknowledge Him..."

This is the "belief" Noah presented to YHVH.  This is the "belief" Abraham presented to YHVH. The prophets, the apostles, and all those that truly professed Yeshua as Messiah have one thing in common.  Even if it was under the pain of death, they followed the words of Yeshua, "If you love Me, keep My commandments--Torah".  Obey Him in everything.  So it shall be in our generation.

Any difference between Noah and our generation may only be that ours is worse.  The countdown has already begun.  The thunder of His horses are heard on the horizon.  Even as He is at the very door, foolish mankind (even Christian mankind) daily fulfill the prophecy of Yeshua in Luke 17: 27.  "They (eat), they (drink), they (marry) wives, they (are) given in marriage."

Those in this Torah portion were heavily engaged in the routine of their lives, oblivious to the 100 years Noah preached their destruction as he built the ark.  The residents of Sodom and Gommorah were similar.  Yeshua says of them in v. 28, "They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built".  The flood washed away Noah's scorners while brimstone dispatched Lot's neighbors.  Even so it will be when Yeshua returns.

The line has definitely been drawn in the sands of time.  Whether known or not, wicked lives of self interest are falling apart.  Jobs are being lost, marriages are falling apart, yet, many just keep right on redefining insanity--doing the same thing over and over again hoping to get a different result.  The continue on with their daily routine with no fear (respect of reverence) for YHVH their Creator.

Others are waking up.  They see the handwriting on the wall.  They have seen the error of their way.  They no longer bow down to the gods of self will.  They have chosen life by truly "believing"  the Elohim of Israel.  Because they love Him, they obey Him.  What will be your choice?

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