Shalom Y'Israel

Our time in Israel has come down to two final days.  Today, we head south along the Jordan to spend a day in the Dead Sea area.  The center of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea is the border between Israel and the nation of Jordan.  At about 1000 feet below sea level, the surface of the Dead Sea is the lowest point on the planet.  We were told its depth extends at least another 1000 feet.  

The salt content of the sea is far greater than any of our oceans.  Only the Great Salt Lake in Utah comes close to rivaling the Dead Sea, yet falls far short.  When walking in the water, shoes had to be worn to keep feet from being slashed open by salt crystals lining the bottom.  The worst feeling I had in the sea was walking on these crystals only to find my next step sinking up to my knee into a thick, black mud.  That step almost cost me one of my shoes...almost like stepping into a pit of quicksand.

Our time in this area included En Gedi.  Even though the land in and around this town is barren, there was evidence of an ample supply of drinking water available to the ancients.  The remains of several man made reservoirs were seen in and around the town.  Canals linked to them had been dug and channeled directly out of the mountains to the west.  Heavy rains in Jerusalem would take a little over an hour to flood through these canals and into holding areas.  Dug by a small group of religious separatists, they were specially made to catch and retain this seasonal rain water. 

Other than my moment of levity on the Dead Sea, as described by SueJean on our Tsiyon Bound blog, our time atop Masada stands out in my mind as the highest point of the day--in more ways than one.  I remember several years ago viewing the "Masada TV Mini Series" starring Peter O'Toole.   In that film, Masada didn't seem all that high to me.  Yet, in real life, it is easily observed why it took the Romans more than nine months to scale that mountain rising nearly 1000 feet above the valley floor.

In a matter of a few minutes we ascended the Dead Sea side of the mountain by cable car.  Looking back over near shear cliffs, the remains of several Roman encampments could be seen.  Although there was a small foot trail up the eastern side of the mountain, it was very obvious an army could never successfully capture the mountaintop from that direction.  Even though it was still several hundred feet below the top of the mountain, the Romans chose to assault the western slope.  Remains of the stone ramp they built can still be seen today extending to about 200 feet below the top.  Several encampments can also be seen around the western slope.  

The mountaintop was completely fortified and equipped for its residents.  All of the necessities of life were in stock and readily available, including a synagogue for worship.  While food and water was readily available to the Jews, the Romans had to return to En Gedi nearly fifteen miles away for their only source of supply--not a very pleasant task to fulfill when temperatures in the region can far exceed 100 degrees.  It was only about 90 degrees on this November day.

While atop Masada, I thought about very good observation I once heard regarding the last generation.  Fast forwarding from Masada of the past to our time, this observation says people will be divided into three different groups--those that pick up the gun and fight the government or even the anti-messiah, those taken into captivity, and those hidden by the Father.

There is a saying I've heard, "live by the gun and die by the gun".  Those of ancient Masada chose this option.  They were the final holdouts of a rebellion that began by assassinating James and usurping his authority.  As those of ancient Masada carried out an attempt at futility against the Romans, there will be those in coming days that will manifest the same foolishness and suffer a similar end.  Certainly, protect yourself and family against Amalek, but don't be a part of this number.  As with Moses, Father will take care of the "Egyptians" of our day. 

Among the members of the second group will be a those of Christianity that hold to the false presumption of a soon coming rapture.  When the bad times of the great tribulation begin to occur, they just won't be prepared.  They will be taken into captivity and subsequently killed.  Many of the survivors will actually think they have been left behind and become part of the great apostasy--likely becoming candidates to acceptance of the mark of the beast.  According to Biblical prophecy, they will suffer a far greater demise.

Unlike the last group, the third distinction will be believers that hold both Messiah AND His commandments (Torah) as precious in their site.  Rather than hold to the idea that the Torah of Moses has been abolished, they will love Messiah Yeshua enough to do their very best to learn His Torah and keep its precepts.  In that undertaking, they will also learn of the prophetic road signs clearly shown within its pages.  As children of obedience, they will be hidden by the Father.  They will be the subjects of Revelation 12: 17--"(having) the testimony of Yeshua and (keeping) His commandments".

Aside from the blessing of about two hours of shopping on famed "Ben Yehuda Street", our final day in Jerusalem afforded us a tour of the Holocaust Museum.  There are "super deluded" individuals that would have us believe the travesty Hitler committed against the human race actually never happened.  The fact is, this crime against humanity actually occurred.  The fact is, this travesty will again come into play in the days to come, and will make Hitler look like play school in comparison.

Time has now come to say goodbye to Israel.  We're at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv facing extremely long lines to pass through baggage and customs.  At just after midnight, our 747 El Al flight will return us to New Jersey.  The question now racing through my mind is, am I really going home?  Certainly, my country of birth is the USA.  Yet, in my heart and mind, Israel is my home.  Walking these last eleven days where Yeshua and His disciples walked has confirmed this fact upon my spirit.

By natural birth, I am a proud American.  The USA will always occupy a special place in my heart.  Yet, by my second birth, I am a citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel.  So, I'm really not going home.  I'm just going back to the USA to get my affairs in order for my final return to my true home.  I'm not saying goodbye to Israel.  I'm saying "until we meet again".  Shalom Y'Israel.  May you prosper in His Peace.

The Power Of Our Peace

Our third day in Jerusalem has our tour bus again turning us toward the old city.  Yeshua is quoted by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, "Not one stone shall be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down.".   As I stood below the southern wall of the old city, I saw evidence of the fulfillment of this prophetic statement of Messiah.  

In 70 AD, Roman soldiers sacked and destroyed Jerusalem and its temple.  Stones weighing multiples of tons were literally thrown to the ground one by one, beginning from at least a hundred feet above.  The massive weight of each stone shattered the stone walkways and sometimes broke the falling stone as well.  Today, the wall has been restored--the lower 30 feet or so with original stones.  Much of the walkways still show the effects of fallen stones.    

Standing at the base of the wall, I was able to observe the presumed location of the residence of James atop the southeastern corner of the wall.  Just a few years before the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, James was assassinated by one of his own (a member of the House of David) and thrown over the wall to the walkway upon which I stood.  This new leader placed Jerusalem in a state of rebellion against Rome, ultimately causing its destruction in 70 AD.  Those that understood the prophecy of Daniel concerning the "abomination of desolation" got out in the years preceding that fateful siege. 

A short walk from this part of the wall took us to a place called the "Southern Steps".  This is a series of steps in size and height much like a set of bleachers in a small sports arena.  Situated near the "Dung Gate", these steps afford a panoramic view of the south and eastern part of the main city, including Gethsemane, Olivet, the Kidron valley below, and an adjacent mountain covered with stone tombs.  The steps provide a very adequate venue for public meetings.

It is on these steps Yeshua is presumed to have delivered His discourse of Matthew 23.  All the sites He spoke of in His thrashing of the Pharisees were clearly visible from these steps.  It is also the presumed location where Peter delivered his sermon of Acts 2 which was followed by the adding of three thousand souls that very day.  To accommodate the baptism of this many people, there were multiples of large purification baths (Mikvahs) all along this part of the wall.  

I was moved in my spirit as I sat upon these steps and listened to our tour leaders teach.  As I imagined Yeshua, Peter, and the others boldly teaching the truth of the Father, I can now go before Him on a daily basis and imagine those steps in my heart.  With the view of Jerusalem in the background, I can see His Word come alive right before the eyes of my spirit.  

As powerful as was the move of His Spirit in this part of His city, it pales in comparison to that which I felt as I stood atop the Mount of Olives.  It is written in Acts 1: 9, "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight."  I was standing upon this site knowing full well of prophecy that says He will return "in like manner" to this very same spot.

With the old city spread out before and below me, the view to my left was the same row after row of white, stone tombs I saw from the Southern Steps.  They were stacked atop each other and ranged from the mountain top toward the Kidron valley below.  Many of the patriarchs are buried among these tombs.  I was told even Adam is among the number in this massive graveyard.  As I stood there, I was reminded in my spirit of His testimony that "the dead in Messiah will rise" in that day.

Looking across the Kidron valley toward the city, I viewed the "Eastern Gate".  As I had been told before my journey, this gate has been completely closed off and sealed with stone.  I had also been told of a graveyard placed before the gate.  In my mind's eye, I saw it as small and relative in size to the gate itself.  In fact, this graveyard covers the entire length of the eastern wall and extends toward the Kidron valley below.

It is written in Luke 19: 37, "And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives..."  On the day of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, He approached the Eastern Gate from the Mount of Olives.  That day, He came riding into the city on a colt, with sounds of the praises of His disciples heard all around.  As our return to the land of promise from our Egypt will mirror the exodus of Moses, so Messiah's return to Jerusalem will mirror His first entry nearly 2000 years ago.

When some of the Pharisees chided Him on that first entry to "rebuke your disciples", Yeshua laughingly said, "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out".  One day very soon Messiah will once again ride into Jerusalem, this time on a white horse.  The praises of His disciples, both risen of the dead and among the living, will echo His praises from the mountain tops and throughout the city.

This is the part I ascribed as "laughable" in my last post.  Jews were not responsible for the closed gate, or the graveyard.  This was done according to muslim desire to keep Israel's Messiah from returning through this gate as prophesied.  On that great day, the dead in the tombs before the gate will either rise up to praise Him or descend into hell, opening the path to the gate for Messiah's triumphal second return.

With the path cleared, only the stones that board up the gate will remain.  Of these, the prophecy of Yeshua on His first triumphal entry to Jerusalem will come to pass.  I don't know how He will do it or cause it to be done.  Yet, I can see in my mind's eye each stone coming alive, bowing to their Creator, and moving aside so He can enter through the gate to His temple.  I rejoice to know that I will be there to witness that great site.  I pray you will be there with me as well.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 1: 27, "But YHVH has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and YHVH has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty".  How foolish!  These muslims flaunt their demonic god before the Elohim of Israel.  They don't care that YHWH has chosen the far fewer of Israel to bring shame upon the many of those that hate Him and His people.

Steeply descending on foot down from Olivet, our tour entered the Garden of Gethsemane.  Of all the places we toured, this was the most crowded.  There appeared at the time to have been more than a dozen large tours all bunched together in this one place.  Therefore, it wasn't that easy for the Spirit to impress me.  It also didn't help to walk several hundred yards down the mountain at a 5-10 degree back angle.  My legs were so sore when I entered the garden I could hardly stand.  Even so, it was not hard to easily take in the peaceful, serene scene of a large grove of two thousand year old olive trees and imagine being there with Yeshua. 

It was here, I had a very up-close view of the Eastern Gate.  With the Kidron valley still well below us, I wondered how one could easily get from garden to city.  When I posed that question to our tour guide, I was told a large stone bridge had been built across Kidron during the time of Yeshua but had been destroyed and never restored.  I'm not sure how Messiah will cross the Kidron.  Maybe by the same manner in which the gate stones will stand aside they will come together and form a bridge.  Today, the bridge is gone but the site of my tour bus outside the garden gate is a blessed site indeed for my sore legs, and our driver has the A/C going.

It was in this garden Yeshua prayed, "Let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless not My will but Yours be done".  On the eve of the completion of His work of our redemption, He sought to know if there might be another way.  In a parallel sense, we have the same thing before us.  We stand near the end of all things and some of us are showing the very human tendency to look for and easier way to complete a task.  By not yielding to His human tendency, Yeshua gave us strength to endure the hard, but pure, road that lies ahead of us. 

There are those among us that seek another way through troubled times before us (rapture).  In fact, there is no other way through these times other than through the "Tribulation", to bear our own cross (testimony) and walk through these tribulations to enter His glory.  I not only pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Yeshua), but pray my brothers and sisters in the faith make ready.  The time of Jacob's trouble is knocking at the door.  Let us look to Him as "the Author and Finisher of our faith".  If we remain strong in Him, He will "hide (us) under His wings".

The Peace Of Jerusalem

After a day of rest, the city and its inhabitants awoke to resume the routine of life.  After breakfast, our tour headed for the old city.  Through the Jaffa gate and into the Jewish quarter, we walked down narrow cobblestone streets lined with shops.  There would be plenty of time for shopping, but first there were sites to see.

Highlights among these sites were David's tomb and the "Upper Room".  There remains some questions as to the exact location of David's tomb, yet it is traditionally accepted to be on "Mount Tsiyon" in a part of Jerusalem called "The City of David".  Neither is to be confused with the Temple Mount or the old or modern city of Jerusalem, even though common attributions are often made.  The City of David sits on a small hill (Mount Tsiyon) to the side of Mount Moriah.

The tomb of David sits on the first floor of an ancient building.  Just above his resting place, on the second floor, is the supposed location of the "Upper Room" where Yeshua celebrated Passover with His disciples.  All of the first floor and part of the second floor date at least to the time of Messiah.  The rest of the site has been renovated.  We were told there actually was a third floor that more likely was the the original site of this Passover feast.

After some free time for shopping and exploring this part of the old city, and a little rest back at the hotel, we were treated with an evening trip to two specific sites.  The first site, the "Western Wall", also referred to as the "Wailing Wall", is known in Jerusalem as "The Kotel".  This wall is not the western wall of the old city, but, rather, the western wall of the Temple Mount.  

Approaching the Kotel, the view is breath taking.  The wall extends several scores of feet up from the floor and has multiples of tree and other vegetation roots protruding from between its large stones.  There is a bridge to the right of the wall that extends to the top of the Mount.  Of course, it has been closed off with access restricted only to muslims.   There are also scores of armed Israeli soldiers all around the Kotel, some with whom I was able to cordially speak.

The floor area near the wall is made up of two sections, one designated for men and the other for women.  As I entered my section, I encountered some elder Orthodox rabbis.  One particular gentleman took special notice of the "tzitzis" I was wearing.  I told him I was from Texas and wore them because I kept Torah.  Many Orthodox Jews are amazed there are others besides Jews that keep the Torah of Moses.  

At first, I thought he might be challenging my right to enter the area.  Yet, with a smile on his face, he eagerly gestured for me to continue on.  For a few moments, I wandered around within the area just taking in the awesome, up-close view.  Then, I approached the wall and prayed, concluding as Scripture says--"pray for the Peace of Jerusalem".  Of course, Yeshua is the Prince of Peace.  One day, as a member of the house of Ephraim, I will join my brethren of Judah in a walk up a cleansed Mount Moriah to worship Messiah Yeshua. 

After leaving the Kotel, we entered the "Rabbi's Tunnel"--literally under the old city.  As far as the western wall extends above ground, it may extend nearly as far below.  As was the case in other parts of Israel, the city appears to have been built layer upon layer.  From sections of mosaic tile flooring to a large water cistern, Israeli archeology teams are finding striking evidence of Hebrew presence centuries before the time of Yeshua. 

Naturally, the muslim community and other anti-Israel crowds have staunchly objected to these diggings, and will likely continue until the return of Yeshua our Messiah.  Even so, YHVH's people will always bring out the truth of their past.  In the face of all objections, His glory will always be manifested.  In my next post, I will describe one such foolish objection, or obstruction if you will, of epic proportions that is almost laughable. 

Jerusalem Bound

The time to go up to Jerusalem has finally come.  The first stop on our journey to Yah's Holy City is a special place on the Jordan River.for "mikvah" (Hebrew baptism).  Several of those within our tour group entered the waters of the River Yardin as a cleansing before ascending to Jerusalem.  Such is a requirement of Torah before going up to the temple.  

It was not difficult to imagine John the Baptist standing in these waters presumed to be the very spot where he baptized Yeshua.  This secluded part of the Yardin is surrounded by lush green trees and vegetation.  The air was cool and refreshing, and the not so clear (muddy) water of the river was loaded with fish.  Except for my eager anticipation of Jerusalem, I think I could have stayed here for the rest of the day.  I even mused in my mind about parking my RV along these waters and staying on a more permanent basis.

Our journey south from Tiberius took us along the Yardin through the West Bank territory along Israel's border with the country of Jordan toward the villiage of Bet She'an.  This little town contains the remains of an ancient city almost totally Roman.  Roman architecture can be seen throughout, including the remains of tall columns, statues, and marketplaces.  In the most prominent place in the city was a 7,000 seat Roman theater with a stage large enough to accommodate any large orchestra or musical entourage of our day.

After a stop at "Genesis Land" for lunch with a modern day Abraham and his family (SueJean has written about this stop on our "Tsiyon Bound" blog), our tour bus made the final turn for Jerusalem.  My feelings on this leg of our journey were mixed.  On one hand, I was finally achieving my lifelong dream of entering the Holy City of YHVH.  I longed to walk its streets and be in the center of His presence.  Yet, on the other hand, I knew (and dreaded) what I knew I would see when I first arrived.  

The sight of this city is grand and beautiful, literally built atop the mountains within its limits.  All of these mountains rise high above the central of the mountains, Mt. Moriah, affording literally millions of people to observe temple services below.  This is the mountain known in Scripture as the "Temple Mount".  

Mt. Moriah is the site where Abraham was instructed by YHVH to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.  It is also the mountain upon which sat temples built by Solomon and Zerubbabel, and expanded upon by Herod.  It is also the site of the return of our Messiah.  He will return to the Mount of Olives that sits high above the Eastern Gate of the old city, walk triumphantly through that gate, and enter His temple where His Word will forever go forth.

It is the current condition of this mountain that was the focal point of my dread.  As our tour bus wound its way through the mountains of this magnificent city, Mount Moriah came into view.  There I saw the unholy golden dome sitting in the exact spot on which the former temples sat.  With the sight of the dome and accompanying mosque, my heart sank.  Yet, on the other hand, I joyed in knowing this scourge will be soon destroyed, with the mountain cleansed and graced with the final temple of our Adonai.

After a brief communion and special prayer service at a promenade overlooking Moriah, we hurried to a marketplace in Jerusalem to buy some food, snacks, and other goodies in preparation for Sabbath.  The hustle and bustle of the people was at its apex.  Streets were packed with vehicles and walkways with people.  Yet, the experience was very enjoyable.  I was even blessed through a conversation with a young Orthodox rabbi that also claimed roots in Texas.  He seemed to enjoy the fact that I considered my cowboy hat to be a "Texas Kippa".

As we stood on the street corner waiting for our tour bus to pick us up, we noticed two rabbis in fancy outfits walking down the street.  They would stop at the entrance of each shop, blow a short blast from their shofar, and say loudly to the shop owner, "time to close up".  The sun was only an hour or so from setting, and shabbat was upon us.  Our tour bus has arrived and soon we will be at our hotel, streets will be bare and silent, and the city will rest for a day.  More of our tour will come in the next post.

Walking In His Steps

Tiberius sits on the southwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee.  In our two day stay, we literally walked where Yeshua walked.  According to prophecy, Messiah would begin His ministry in this territory.  Residents of little villages spread around the shores of Galilee would be His congregation. 

It would be in this region He would gather His disciples to Himself.  Peter hailed from the town of Capernaum on the northern shores.  From the town synagogue to the home of Peter's mother, at least the lower stones of many structures were original to the time of Yeshua.  As our group sat under a grove of olive trees listening to our guides speak, it wasn't too hard to imagine Peter, James, John, and the others sitting under the same trees while Yeshua taught them.

Our tour of the area wouldn't be complete without seeing the presumed location of the Sermon on the Mount.  Located in the Golan Heights above the northeastern corner of the Sea of Galilee is the Mount of the Beatitudes.  Of this site, it is said a person could be easily heard from the edge of the mountain to a great distance with little more than a normal speaking voice.

Among the highlights of our time in Tiberius was a cruise out on the Sea of Galilee.  Again, it wasn't all that hard to imagine us being out on that sea with Peter at the helm.  It was another magic moment in walking where Yeshua and His disciples walked.  Even now as I reflect back, I can close my eyes and see Yeshua walking across that expanse of water toward our boat, calming storms on the seas of our lives.

Day two of our time in Tiberius had us viewing three particular sites of interest, among others.  Messiah speaks of Korazim (Chorazin) in Matthew 11: 21.  Among other towns in the region, including Capernaum, Yeshua spoke harshly of the lack of repentance of the inhabitants of Korazim.  

In their rejection of Yeshua and His message, even in the face of "mighty works", they were relegated to being worse than Tyre, Sidon, or even Sodom in the case of Capernaum.  When I stood in the synagogue at Korazim and saw the remains of the Seat of Moses, I saw two sides to a coin. 

On one side, I saw the "wise and prudent" Pharisees that rejected Messiah Yeshua, even as they do to this day.  On the other, I saw the "high and mighty" teachers of our day that accept Yeshua yet reject or make null and void His pure ways (Torah).  Then, I saw the souls both then and today caught in between (Hebrew children of Abraham) that both cling fervently to Messiah Yeshua and keep His Torah because they love Him.   For this, they are rejected by both groups just as He was rejected.  

John quotes Yeshua in 15: 18 saying on their behalf, "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you".  In a day soon coming, these precious souls that lovingly cling to Messiah will be ushered into His everlasting joy while the "wise and prudent"--high and mighty--of Korazim, Capernaum, and their modern day descendants will be cast down.

Deep in the Golan Heights Mt. Bental rises up to overlook Syria, with Damascas only about 60 miles to the north.  The top of the mountain is still fortified with the remains of trenches, observation areas, and gun turret mounts.  It was from this mountain in 1973 Israeli soldiers saw the beginning of a major Syrian invasion.  

Hundreds of Syrian tanks rolled across the valley floor below.  The battle was costly in consideration of Israeli lives.  Yet, when the smoke had cleared away, Syrian tanks that had not been destroyed fled back toward Damascas.  One Israeli tank was credited with more than 20 tank kills and another with over 50.  Even though surprised and greatly outgunned, Israeli ground forces won the day.  But, that has been the Israeli legacy throughout Biblical history.  

The IAF had mastered the enemy Air Force.  In fact, their supremacy over the Syrian Air Force was so great the IAF was able to record three "non-ordinance" kills.  IAF pilots that had already expended ALL their ammunition flew up behind Syrian MIGs and "locked on".  Syrian pilots in each plane (later determined to be elite Russian pilots) didn't waste time in ejecting from their aircraft.  One might say those Russian pilots had "the fear of God" put in them.       

In the extreme northern reaches of Galilee just south of the Lebanese border lies the ancient ruins of Tel Dan.  Entering this lush, green forest area with the beautiful Dan river cutting through its middle is like going from one world to another.  The serenity of this wooded area below Mt. Hermon is as a hedge of protection from the world outside.  It is in this area we met the Israeli children SueJean so affectionately wrote of on our "Tsiyon Bound" blog.  I had the honor and privilege of taking their pictures.

Tel Dan also includes the synagogue presumed built by Jeroboam, king of Israel (northern kingdom) in about 930 BCE.  This site clearly shows the evil mixture of Baal worship with the purity of worship of YHVH.  With the exception of the steps going up to the altar (steps are forbidden in Torah) and the large Terebinth tree overshadowing the altar (trees are forbidden around or near the altar in Torah), the altar bore the same dimension requirements of an acceptable altar before YHVH.

The most brazen departure from an acceptable altar was two golden calves erected and displayed above the altar.  Of these, it is written in 1 Kings 12: 28.  "Therefore the king asked advice, made two calves of gold, and said to the people, 'it is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt!'"

To expand upon this sin, v. 32 says, "Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made".  The feast initiated by Jeroboam is his duplicate of the Feast of Tabernacles commanded of YHVH to begin on the fifteenth day of the "seventh" month.

Father's Word is not only unchanging, it is specific.  It is clear from this account Jeroboam was "pulling out all the stops" to keep his people from going to Jerusalem and worshiping according to the purity of Torah.  He put in place just enough of YHVH's precepts to make it look good, but mixed in enough pagan rituals to entice the ungodly crowd--all in the name of money, greed, and power.

Throughout Scripture, the eternal nature of the covenants of YHVH made with His people Israel is made explicitly clear.  Just as from the beginning in Eden, satan had only one way to destroy the pure work the Father--distort its truth.  This is precisely what Constantine did in about 325AD.  By making Christianity the official religion of his kingdom, he purposely drove out all evidence of our everlasting Hebrew heritage.

Effectively, he accomplished the same end as Jeroboam.  Among other things, he changed the observation of Sabbath.  In his version of changing the time for celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, he discarded all the Biblical feasts and replaced them with pagan celebrations.  Biblical time keeping was done away with and Torah observation disappeared.  Only the tenet of tithing was kept--of course directed to church officials, as it so effectively is today. 

It is clear in Scripture that YHVH hates mixture--which is the essence of Baal worship.  Through His prophets He has repeatedly admonished against mixing the "profane with the holy".  He has called it "witchcraft and idolatry".  He has called it "whoring after other gods".  Even though I may stand alone at days end, I choose to align myself with the unchanging purity of YHVH and His Word. 
It is difficult dealing with mixture among strangers.  Yet, the pressure put upon us by our families is immensely more heart rending.  There just isn't an easy solution in these dealings.  My heart goes out to those that bear the heavy burden of leaving all to follow Yeshua rather than living with mixture.  SueJean and I personally know what it is like to walk alone, leaving precious family members behind.  The road traveled with Yeshua may not be an easy one, but it's laden with His many blessings.  Won't you join us on that journey with Him? 


Caesarea to Tiberius

My comments herein cover the conclusion of our day from Tel Aviv to Tiberius.  After leaving Caesarea, our tour headed north to Haifa.  From our Mt. Carmel overlook advantage, we could see all of the city, including a very active Haifa bay--both military and civilian.  Looking at the extreme northern end of the bay (about 30-35 miles) we were able to faintly see a border village of Lebanon.  

It was from this location in a recent conflict with Lebanon that missiles were fired at Israel, landing in Haifa bay.  When Israel confirmed they were "under attack", the enemy launched a much larger wave of missiles--all of which fell into the bay.  Hmmm.  A ploy by Israel or the ineptness of the enemy?  I hear the enemies to south aren't much better. 

From Haifa, we headed east across the top of Mt. Carmel to the Muchraka overlook and presumed site of Elijah's encounter with the prophets of Baal.  From our overlook vantage point, we were afforded a complete view of the massive Valley of Megiddo (Jezreel Valley).  I have heard it said, "all the armies of the world could maneuver for battle in this valley".  I would be inclined to agree with that perspective, as does Scriptural prophecy.

From Carmel, it's down to our final stop of the day--Tel Megiddo.  Dating back over 3000 years ago, this fortress was built high above the valley floor by Solomon upon the ruins of earlier civilizations many centuries older.  Strategically located in the Jezreel valley, this fortress was virtually impregnable and could not be approached without being observed from a great distance.  It also had a special tunnel built to access water from a natural spring without going outside the fortress.

From here, it's on to Tiberius, the Leonardo Club Hotel, another great buffet dinner, and a night of peaceful rest in His land.

Jaffa To Caesarea

After a walk on the Mediterranean beach front followed by a night of MUCH needed sleep, our bus tour headed north from Tel Aviv to the town of Caesarea.  This should not be confused with another town known as Caesarea-Philippi.  The former is a town on the Med between Tel Aviv and Haifa, almost solely built by Herod the Great as a summer retreat.  The latter is in the northern territory near the Golan Heights.

After personally viewing the ruins of this Roman architecture, there was no doubt in my mind Herod was a master builder.  He had literally built his palace out in the Med to more effectively capture the refreshing afternoon breezes--pleasant indeed with the blistering summer temperatures of the region.  He had even built a fresh water swimming pool inside his palace and lavish quarters for his guests.

Herod gained much of his vast wealth as a perfume trader.  I observed evidence of a massive man made bay capable of harboring large ships from the waves along the sea coast.  The ancient loading docks were massive, rivaling many large truck loading docks of our day.  Ruins of Roman aqueducts remain to this day as a memorial to the genius of Herod in providing life giving water to a very dry region.  

Entertainment was a top priority for the Romans.  Nestled directly upon the beach front was the "Circus"--for chariot races.  Horses drew their chariots on a man made track overlooking the beach, with grandstands affording an unobstructed view of the Med.  It was also here for pure amusement followers of Yeshua were thrown to hungry lions.

For our day, I found one distressing reality for Israel, and a possible personal destiny when I enter His land for good.  The ONLY golf course in the entire country is located in Caesarea, built by the Rothchilds family.  I don't know how many golf courses Israel could accommodate, but I KNOW it could handle more than one.  When time comes to GO HOME, are there any brothers among my readers that would like to help me build some courses?

Aside from all the Roman history of this ancient port city, Caesarea plays a big role in Biblical history as well.  With Yeshua and the apostles ministering throughout the land, it is no wonder His gospel of redemption had spread to this city--a center of Roman culture.  Not only were Jews in Caesarea among the number of believers.  Romans were also included in that number.

Acts 10 speaks of a high ranking officer of the Roman military, Cornelius, as being "a devout man and one who feared YHVH with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to YHVH always", v. 2.  It is with the story of this Godly man I wish to expose a great lie perpetrated from within modern Christianity.

Within the Torah of Moses, one can find a detailed list of clean and unclean foods.  In regards to dietary commands spelled out in Leviticus, modern teachers use Acts 10 to specifically debunk these Mosaic precepts.  They do so by taking out of context what actually happened--in this case, not reading the entire chapter.

Beginning with v. 9, Peter found himself very hungry while on a housetop praying.  While others below were making ready for their supper, Peter "fell into a trance".  During this encounter, Father gave him a vision of a varied array of birds and animals and told him, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat".  As a side note, this is the same Peter to whom Yeshua told "Feed My sheep". 

This is precisely where modern Christianity stops, so putting forth the lie.  If the entire account was read--in context--even a novice student of Yah's Holy Word would realize "food" was NOT the underlying message Father wanted to teach Peter.  If the message was a simple message of food, then Father would not have needed to relay the message three times to Peter, v. 16.  It seems Peter was still a little slow at "catching on".  Remember, Yeshua had to tell Peter three times to "feed My sheep".

It seems strange to me that so called "veterans" of His Word can readily assume this vision repealed the dietary commands of Moses when Peter--the recipient of the vision--didn't even understand the message, v. 17.  I don't think Peter would have EVER understood what Father intended if not for a knock on his door at the precise time the vision was concluded, for the third time.

Father clearly understood Peter's confusion and gave him the answer to his question in vv 19-20 when He said, "Behold, three men are seeking you. Arise therefore, go down and go with them, doubting nothing; for I have sent them." Father didn't need to show him the vision a fourth time.  It did take three times, but he clearly understood the message.

Upon arrival in Caesarea with his personal escort, he was greeted with a personal invitation from Cornelius to enter his house and preach whatever Father had placed upon his heart.  Peter's clear understanding of the vision is recorded in v. 28-29a. "Then he said to them, you know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.  Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for..."

There you have it!  Food is NOT and NEVER was the subject of Peter's vision.  Those that support this despicable lie undermine and do away with the very redemption we have in Yeshua.  There are those among Jewish circles--and even some Messianic groups--that exclude all gentiles from the blessings of Torah and benefits of redemption.  Without this vision of Peter, myriads of millions might have been denied redemption to this day.

Clearly from the beginning, YHVH is the Savior and Messiah of all mankind, not just Israel.  As with the rest of Torah, His dietary commandments are still valid.  Even if impossible in our days of poisoned and contaminated food, we should do our best to keep these dietary commands, out of our health considerations and pure respect for Father's unchanging precepts.  Father says in varied ways more than once, "If you will keep my commandments (Torah), I will not put upon you the diseases of Egypt".  Don't let Him have to tell you a fourth time!


Something Old--Something New

Today, November 8th, is day number three (or, is it 2 and a half?).  I have heard it said, "no rest for the weary".  That was the case after landing in Tel Aviv.  With the difference in time zones (8 of them, I think), an early afternoon take off in New Jersey became an early morning arrival nearly 11 hours later in Tel Aviv.

Even though desired, it was too early to go to sleep.  After arriving, our bodies were ready for sleep, but the sun was up and too late.  To complicate matters, my Rabbi friend sitting next to me was restless most of the trip.  Although he nodded off a few times, I think he was having problems getting comfortable in those tiny seats. He was as big a man as I.

After collecting our luggage and checking through customs, we were introduced to our guide, Rafi.  Within about an hour, we were loading onto our bus and preparing to depart the airport for the heart of Tel Aviv.

Our first stop was Independence Hall.  This is where it began for modern Israel.  It was here David ben Gurion headed a group of fellow brethren in declaring Israeli independence.  On the afternoon of May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation once again--for the first time in nearly 2500 years.

Out of little more than a sand dune in April of 1909, sixty six families parceled off plots outside the old city of Jaffa.  Homes with running water were built for each family. Land was reserved for a school and public buildings.  By 1910, the city received the official name of Tel (old) Aviv (spring, or new).  Hence, something old and something new.

Just before lunch and about an hour free time to explore shops in the market place, our tour stopped at Rabin Square.  It was on this site on that tragic day in November 1995, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an Israeli right wing radical who opposed the Oslo accords.

After lunch and window shopping in the market place, our tour headed toward the ancient city of Jaffa. At an age of more than 4000 years, it is the oldest in the region.

Jaffa has seen much through its storied centuries dating from at least the times of the Pharaohs in the 14th century BCE.  Jonah sailed from Jaffa in running from divine orders to go to Nineveh.  Cedar and other supplies for Solomon's temple arrived in Jaffa from Lebanon.

Spread through the Book of Acts, Jaffa (Joppa) shows heavy apostolic activity. It was home to "a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas" (Acts 9: 36).  When this lady died, Peter was summoned from nearby Lydda where in Jaffa he raised her from the dead (Acts 9: 40).

It was home to Simon the tanner.  Following this miracle, Peter spent many days dwelling in Jaffa with Simon. As would be expected, news of this miracle traveled like wildfire, as is written in 9: 42.  "And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed on Adonai".  It even traveled to Caesarea.  But, that's for my next post.

From the time of the apostles until now, Jaffa has seen the Romans, the Crusaders, the Ottomans, Napoleon, the British, and now Israel.  It is one thing to read of these accounts in the Bible and on pages of reference books. Yet, it is totally another to actually walk on these cobblestone streets and walkways, see the visible remains of cultures long past, and know in my spirit it will very soon be a thriving part of Messiah's kingdom.

Tsiyon Bound

In my most recent music CD, "Yeshua my Vision", I open with "Ridin' Yah's High Road", my Messianic rendition of the Dave Dudley Country classic, "Six Days On The Road". It is with the lyrics of this song I have chosen to begin my perspective of our journey, in harmony with SueJean's title and comments on "7 Days to Yerushalyem". This part covers the first three days of our journey from Tennessee to Tel Aviv--well, two if you discount the jet lag.

Even though I had never been to Israel, it has been a large part of my Biblical thought process. As the years progressed, His "Land of Promise" has become a major part of my Biblical understanding. Contrary to most modern Christian thinking, our future in every aspect will be centered around Israel. Father's covenants with Israel will be fulfilled to the last letter.

"Well, I left outta Egypt headed t'ward that Jordan line.
I got my spirit revved up and I'm a livin' like a-never before.
No sin gonna slow me down, nothin's gonna turn me around.
Ridin' Yah's high road and I'm a-bound for that Tsiyon life."

Today (Friday, November 5th), my dream of actually going to His land became a reality. As I have done before, I was now leaving a portion of "Egypt" behind me, ultimately to become closer to Adonai. The heavy Tennessee rains and West Virginia snows on our trip to New Jersey did little to dampen or cool off my spirit. I was "revved up" and filled with excitement--"nothing to slow me down or turn me around". I was bound for Tsiyon, and home.

"I've got His Torah in my heart and my spirit's in overdrive.
Livin' His pure Word with eyes a-open wide.
Gonna wear robes of shinin' white, and behold His Yeshurun sights.

Ridin' Yah's high road and a-bound for that Tsiyon life."

Everything happens according to His timing. If I had taken a similar tour of Israel just a few years ago, the spiritual benefit would have had a much diminished and negative impact on me. I still had far too much Christian thinking ingrained within my thought processes--even after starting a leaning toward Messianic thought.

Now, what I have seen of "His Yeshurun sights" is through the eyes of Torah. My choice through the years to live according to His pure and unchanging Word has opened my eyes to the amazing truth that literally lives. As its accounts have come alive in parallel for SueJean and I over the last two years, it came alive for us in Israel.

"Well, it seems like forever since I bid bad doctrine goodbye.
Now, I could live a lot of mixture but I'm not a-like some of the guys.

To His pure Word I'll hold on tight, I won't stray to the left or right.

Ridin' Yah's high road and a-bound for that Tsiyon life."

Although I have only recently given myself over to the ways of Torah, it has been many years since I turned my back on the "bad doctrine" of Christianity. As I have been faithful to His Word, He has been faithful to bring me closer to Him. An example of how far I have come is made evident in my conversation with an Orthodox Rabbi on the plane bound for Israel.

It was not that many years ago I had erroneously thought, according to my Baptist teaching, that "God is finished with Israel and now works through the church". I was proud to call myself a "Christian". I was certainly not a Jew. As you will see, that position has drastically changed--physically and spiritually.

About 30 minutes before landing in Tel Aviv, this Rabbi asked of SueJean and I, "Are you Jewish or Christian?" My response was, "Neither; we are Hebrew. We're children of Abraham. We worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". About 15 minutes later, he leaned his head on the seat in front of him and prayed. It is said these Rabbis pray earnestly five times a day for Ephraim's prophesied return to the Land. Both SueJean and I felt in our spirits he was praying for us.

"Well, Babylon is a-checkin' on down the line.
I ain't a bit overweight and His Book Book shines just fine.
And, nothin' bothers me tonight, I can dodge Satan's darts alright.
I'm ridin' Yah's high road and a-bound for that Tsiyon life."

I have always like flying. Every chance for me to take an airplane ride has been a welcomed opportunity. I even started a "private pilot" course in my early college days but ran out of money before I could finish. Yet, I now prefer to drive rather than fly--only because I have deep disdain for the TSA and their gestapo-like attitude and tactics.

Even so, security checks for our flight were very easy. This humorous photo pokes a little harmless fun at a part of "Babylon" that is getting all too pervasive in our society. Yet, I have Father's promise that He will protect me and "hide me under His wings". He will shield me from all the "fiery darts of the wicked". So, "nothin' bothers me tonight"; I have His sweet Peace.

"Well, my body's a little bit old but that don' mean I'm slooow.
There's a flame in my heart and His Spirit it revived my soul.
Jerusalem's a-comin' in sight, and if you think I'm happy you're right.
Ridin' Yah's high road and a-bound for that Tsiyon life."

There may be some that think this 64 year old former Southern Baptist preacher turned Hebrew is a little over the hill--or at least getting there. I will agree that some days I feel like I'm heading 90 miles an hour down a dead end street. Yet, such was not the case as our plane descended through the clouds on final approach to Tel Aviv.

A blessing I had waited a lifetime for was about to be bestowed--to walk where Yeshua and the apostles walked. As land appeared, rising up out of the Med, I felt the flame of His Spirit lifting up my spirit and soul. Israel "is comin' in sight, and if you think I'm happy, you're right". My ultimate destination? Tsiyon town!