Pereshah Noach 2012 Addendum

Living, Holy Torah tells us that what happened to the fathers will happen to the sons.  Father YHVH is the One that tells us the end from the beginning.  I recently read an article posted on Hebrew Nation Radio website.  I realize that many of my readers may have already read the article by Susan Hooge.  Even so, I am posting a link below for those that may not have seen the article.  

What is written within this article is as the author says--hypothetical.  It is NOT a prediction.  Yet, if her suppositions are correct, we are only a few days from the Ezekiel 38-39 war.  I present this article for the "watchmen on the wall" within my audience.  Our time to enter the camp of the righteous, and ultimately go home (Israel), is REALLY getting close.  Have a terrific Son-shine day in Messiah Yeshua!  

ARTICLE:  Noah's Flood and the Gog/Magog War

Pereshah Noach--Genesis 6:8--11: 32

In my last comments on this portion, I wrote from a perspective that I was familiar with at the time.  I spoke of a society totally devoid of God in their lives.  They were wicked and perverse beyond comprehension.  So much so that Father said He regreted making man and purposed to wipe them from the face of the earth, except for Noah and his family.

I wrote about how judgment and salvation had appeared together in the same place.  While YHVH was cleansing His earth with water, Noah and his family "found grace in the eyes of Adonai" while floating above the destructive judgment below them.  With Messiah's words, I showed how the days we live in are a fulfillment of "as in the days of Noah".

All of His Holy Scripture is living, especially His Torah.  For some, the reading of His Word is no more than rote redundancy.  Once they have learned the basics, there is little or no progression in learning.  They just "camp" on their teachings and present them year in and year out, becoming pools of stagnation whether or not they realize it.  

When SueJean and I make our way anew through a Torah cycle, we find something new in the way of teaching or revelation.  We see a different view point from which we have not seen the stories within the portion.  The story of Noah is no exception to this rule.  Without changing what I previously wrote, I will try to paint a picture of Noah with a deeper meaning.  In the Spirit of Living Torah, I share the following items of new learning.

While preparing my thoughts on that which I would write, I heard the words of the prophet Habbakkuk as he wrote in 2: 4.  "Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright in him; but the righteous (just) shall live by his faith."  Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the righteous that followed them "found grace" in the same way--faith IN ACTION.

In regards to "the just shall live by faith", I can't help but think of Noah being oppressed daily by his wicked neighbors.  "It has never rained here", they thought.  "Everything to this point has been working well the way we've been doing things.  There's no reason for it not to continue in the same manner."  Sound familiar to us today?

Under spiritually suffocating conditions, Noah stayed faithful in his duties of building the ark Father commanded, and preaching of a coming judgment.  It should be noted here that all the while he was preaching the coming judgment, his courage, strength, and obedient faith in YHVH compelled him to prepare for his own salvation, very much like Paul exorted the Philippians.

"So that, my beloved, as you always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much rather in my absence – work out your own deliverance (salvation) with fear and trembling, for it is Elohim who is working in you both to desire and to work for His good pleasure."   Philippians 2: 12-13

More about faith in a little bit, but now, the prophetic side of the Noah story.  I have said many times there may be more end-time prophecy within the first five books of the Bible (Torah) than in the remaining 61 put together.  In consideration of a Father that loves to "(tell) the end from the beginning", and Yeshua's words, "as in the days of Noah", the story of Noah is no exception to that premise.   

In the study of Torah, there are companion portions within the writings of the prophets called "Haf Torah", which means "after Torah".  During times of severe oppression, when the Jewish people were forbidden to study Torah, the rabbis picked writings that best dove-tailed with each Torah portion.  Isaiah himself ties this part of his writings with Noah.

“In an overflow of wrath I hid My face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I shall have compassion on you,” said יהוה, your Redeemer.  For this is the waters of Noaḥ to Me, in that I have sworn that the waters of Noaḥ would never again cover the earth, so have I sworn not to be wroth with you, nor to rebuke you."  
Isaiah 54: 8-9

Father is declaring through Isaiah the end of all things regarding His remnant chosen.  As it was in the days of Noah, as in the days when Judah and Ephraim were expelled from the land, judgment is once again going to fall upon mankind, only this time with a fiery inferno.  It only remains to be seen exactly how He will shelter us from the fire storm.  Yet, we must retain the faith that He is true to His Word.  He WILL shield us just as with Noah.  

At the beginning of the Haf Torah, Isaiah says.

“Sing, O barren one, you who did not bear!  Break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you who have not been in labour!  For the children of the deserted one (Ephraim) are more than the children of the married woman (Judah),” said יהוה."   Isaiah 54: 1

Isaiah is speaking specifically of the two houses of Judah and Ephraim.  Since the captivity of Babylon, and especially since Israel once again became a nation in 1948, the house of Judah in large part has returned to dwell in their homeland.  That is not true of Ephraim.  They were deserted and assymilated by Assyria, and ultimately scattered, thoroughly, among the nations.

The time for Father's declaration of the end of that exile and Ephraim's return is at hand, yes, at the very door.  When that day arrives, a number as the stars of heaven will be gathered by Messiah Yeshua and dwarf the numbers of Judah.  Thus will begin our three and one half year journey to the land promised to us through His covenant with Abraham and His promise to cause Ephraim and Judah to be reconciled once again into ONE house.

In the day of our deliverance,  Isaiah says our dwelling places will be enlarged.  We will go to the right and left.  Our children will inherit the nations and inhabit the deserted cities.  Not only does Father own the land of Israel.  He IS the God of the whole world.  No longer will we be shamed, hurt, or humiliated.  The shame of our youth will be forgotten and the widow will be comforted and no longer reproached, because of Father's love expressed through Isaiah.

“For a little while I have forsaken you, but with great compassion I shall gather you."  Isaiah 54: 7 

At the beginning of this three and a half year great tribulation, we will be gathered together by our Husband Yeshua, likely in small groups at first, into what has been termed "the camp of the righteous".  The judgment of the wicked will be manifested all around us, with mountain and hill moved out of their places and the seas displaced, revealing a great plane.  Yet, as with Noah, we will be safe within His camp.  

Though we be "afflicted and tossed with the storm" that surrounds us, we will be securely held in the hand of Messiah.  While the storm rages outside the camp, we will be taught the purity of Torah directly from Him.  We will be established in righteousness without fear and held far from oppression and ruin.  Isaiah concludes chapter 54 with the following.

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall prove wrong. This is the inheritance of the servants of יהוה, and their righteousness from Me,” declares יהוה."  Isaiah 54: 17

The 91st Psalm harmonizes perfectly with the prophetic words of Isaiah concerning Father's tribulation saints.  Messiah will be our refuge and stronghold.  We won't be ensnared by the traps of the wicked, or pestilence of night, or daytime destruction.  We will impeccably trust Him.  While we observe the plight of the wicked, no evil will befall us or plagues come near our dwelling places.  Of the words of this Psalm, v. 7 sums up the whole matter.

"A thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it does not come near you."   
Psalms 91: 1-7 

Michah also speaks of this remnant of Jacob that once dwelled within the ranks of many nations but now is counted among those in the camp of the righteous.  With the Spirit of the Living God as spoken of by Ezekiel and Joel, this righteous host led by the 144 thousand, Michah equates this remnant with a young lion among sheep.  Father's enemies don't stand a chance against these blessed of YHVH.  Michah writes the following.

"And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the gentiles, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of a forest, like a young lion among flocks of sheep, who, if he passes through, shall both tread down and shall tear, and there is no one to deliver.  Let your hand be lifted up against your adversaries, and all your enemies be cut off."  Michah 5: 8-9 

Periloius times are just ahead.  Some of us have been seriously heeding that warning for quite a while.  Some of the things we have set aside will help us make it through part or even all the great tribulation.  However, they may likely prove inadequate or even fail us altogether.  Even so, there is one thing of utmost importance, even to our very survival.  We must have faith in Messiah.  

Although it is not part of original texts written by Paul, some well-meaning translator added a paraphrase of Habbakkuk into Paul's letter to the Corinthians.

"For we walk by faith, and not by sight."  2 Corinthians 5: 7

If kept within the context of what Paul is actually saying in this chapter, and other texts linked to this chapter, he is found to be in complete harmony with Habbakkuk, Michah, Isaiah, and the prophetic story of Noah.  While most charismatic types have taken this verse terribly out of context to promote prosperity doctrines and various other matters involved with our physical life in general, Paul is concerned with ONLY one thing--our passage from death to life with the return of Messiah.  

"For we know that if the tent of our earthly house, is destroyed, we have a building from Elohim, a house not made with hands, everlasting in the heavens.  For indeed in this we groan, longing to put on our dwelling which is from heaven, so that, having put it on, we shall not be found naked.  For indeed, we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we wish to put it off, but to put on the other, so that what is to die might be swallowed up by life."   2 Corinthians 5: 1-4  

Paul is clearly encouraging us to look through spiritual eyes for that which garners life rather than physical eyes to obtain temporal things.  It is the same faithful path chosen by Noah, who by obedience to Father endured the uncomfortable atmosphere of gross mocking and likely being the butt of every joke in town.  

Just as Noah was preserved above judgment by his steadfast faith, we too will be preserved through the soon coming great tribulation in the camp of the righteous, ultimately to be "swallowed up by life".  It is far better to look on what is NOT seen than that which IS seen (2 Corinthians 4: 18).  So, consider what Paul says further in this passage.

"Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Master......we are of good courage, and are well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Master."   
2 Corinthians 5: 6, 8

The trials we face now and, even more, the trails we will face while treking through the wilderness of the great tribulation will seriously pale in comparison to the blessings we will receive from Messiah after crossing the finish line and entering His kingdom.  With the Holy Torah etched upon the fabric of our heart, we must intently focus on the prize set before us--His Kingdom and Covenant of Peace.  Otherwise, chaos and death will be our lot. 

Isaiah closes this Haf Torah with the first five verses of chapter 55 which is among the most beautiful words in all of Scripture.  

“Oh everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.  And you who have no silver, come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without silver and without price.  Why do you weigh out silver for what is not bread, and your labour for what does not satisfy?  Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and let your being delight itself in fatness.  Incline your ear, and come to Me.  Hear, so that your being lives.  And let Me make an everlasting covenant with you, the trustworthy kindnesses of David.  See, I have given Him as a witness to the people, a Leader and a Commander for the people.  See, a nation you do not know you shall call, and a nation who does not know you run to you, because of יהוה your Elohim, and the Set-apart One of Israel, for He has adorned you.”  Isaiah 55: 1-5 

His faithful remnant has successfully focused upon that which they couldn't see with their physical eyes.  Even though struggling as if they were blind, they persevered ahead, knowing in their spirit the steps they trod were directed by Ruach Adonai.  With each step into the darkness of the unknown, they were brought closer to the glorious prize awaiting them.  After enduring and overcoming, they emerge into the light and literally hear the words of Messiah, "well done, good and faithful servant".

Though made for a time to thirst and hunger, they now have water in abundance, even the water that makes a man never thirst again.  There they will have an abundance of food, wine, and milk, both that which satisfies the flesh (one huge tailgate party) and that which makes a man never hunger again (the Words of Messiah Himself).

I often (more as this time approaches) see myself and a few friends in a day dream riding down the highway in a car with Yeshua at the wheel.  It's a blessing beyond compare to just be riding (or walking) at His side.  On our little journey, He spots a roadside park with beautiful trees and some picnic tables.  He opens the trunk and retrieves some baskets with assorted fruits and nuts, some milk, honey, wine, and a BIG container of BBQ beef and baked beans.  Then, as we sit and partake of the hospitality of His table, we listen intently as He teaches us the purity of His Torah.  You might envision a slightly different table setting, but that's ok.

Isaiah links our little day dreams with what he calls a "covenant of peace" based upon the "sure mercies of David".  This is the seventh and final covenant spoken of in Scripture, without nullifying the six that preceeded it.  When our race toward this blessed prize is finished, we will experience the ultimate of what His disciples experienced on those long dusty roads--communing with Him daily.  However, we won't have the emmisaries of the wicked lurking behind every tree to spoil our party.

Even so, Adonai Yeshua, come quickly!  Eagerly and in earnest, we hope in Your return. Come, gather your remnant chosen.  Take us with You as You sit upon Your Throne, high atop Your Holy Mountain in Jerusalem.  There, let us ever commune and learn of You!  We will there worship and adore You, and at Your bidding, assist in rebuilding that which was destroyed because of the wicked.  There, let it be truly said as You promised our father, Abraham, and as Isaiah alludes in his conclusion--"all the nations of the earth will be blessed".  

"I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed."  Genesis 12: 3

"And I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these lands. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed."  Genesis 26: 4

"Adonai will preserve him, and keep him alive, And he shall be blessed upon the earth; And deliver not thou him unto the will of his enemies."   Psalms 41: 2

Pereshah B'resheet 2012--Genesis 1: 1--6: 8

This portion is one of my favorites because it represents a new beginning.  Once again we find ourselves at the top of the Torah cycle.  Each time we go through a cycle we become more familiar with the stories and material in each portion.  We find ourselves gleaning new revelation in studying each cycle anew.  Of course, it is living in that, more times than not, it addresses personal trials and challenges we face at the time of the reading of each portion.

This portion starts out with one of my most favorite of stories.  Through the years, I have tried to read my Bible and take it for exactly what it says.  That effort served me well in the early years of my walk with Messiah, and still does.  Yet, as the years piled on, I found myself drifting from the early church precepts originally held.  I started looking more toward the meaning and intent of the original Hebrew words behind the English words in my Bible.

As I stand now, I approach Holy Scripture strictly and purely from the Hebraic point of view.  Of a certainty, I have come to understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to correctly interpret Scripture from a western (church) point of view.  If one desires to truly understand the secrets and mysteries written within Holy Scripture, they MUST interpret the same from a Hebrew perspective.  They MUST first determine what it meant to the original writers and then put it into practice, even if it upsets their own culture or personal ways of doing things.

Father spoke through Isaiah and said the following.   It is this Scripture that sets the stage for the introductory statement in Torah, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth".

"Remember the former events of old, for I am Ěl, and there is no one else – Elohim, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from of old that which has not yet been done, saying, ‘My counsel does stand, and all My delight I do.'"   Isaiah 46: 9-10  (Scriptures 1998)  

The English rendering of Genesis 1: 1 omits a virtual gold mine of evangelical material in just one word.  Without consideration from the Hebraic, the student of His Word is left with little more than a beautiful creation story.  The English rendering of Gen. 1: 1 omits the word, "et", (Alef Tav).  Each Hebrew letter has a pictorial meaning.  The "alef" means "strength", while "tav" means "cross".  Hence, we have the combined meaning, "strength of the cross".  From the very beginning of Scripture, the redemption of man was presented.

John the beloved disciple began his gospel with, "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God".  For many years, the teaching I received was that the "Word" written of by John was a "title" (Gk; Logos).  This teaching is correct.  However, with Hebraic understanding, the meaning goes deeper.  John is making specific reference to the missing word in Genesis 1: 1 (Alef Tav).  Yeshua is recorded by the same apostle in Revelation 1: 8 as saying, "I am the Alpha and Omega" (Greek).  The Hebrew is, "Alef and Tav".

Luke records in Acts 7: 55-56, "But he (Stephen), being filled with the Set-apart Spirit, looked steadily into the heaven and saw the esteem of Elohim, and יהושע (Yeshua) standing at the right hand of Elohim, and he said, 'Look!  I see the heavens opened and the Son of Aḏam standing at the right hand of Elohim!'"  Herein is another aspect of the "Et" of Genesis 1: 1.  Stephen saw heaven open and observed Yeshua "Et" the Son and Elohim the Father standing side by side, just as depicted by the "Elohim Et" of Genesis 1: 1.  

What a powerful evangelical, prophetic presentation!  But wait; there's more.  The very first letter of the Torah is an emboldened and enlarged "bet".  It is made in the shape of a house. With it and the letters that follow, we have the pictorial meaning of Father saying, "I will build a house for My Son".  

Through the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel), Father began the building of His house.  Two physical temples have resided upon His Holy Mountain in Jerusalem.  Whether another will be built in their place remains a matter of debate.  Prophetically, only the altar need to be established on the Temple Mount before the return of Messiah.  Until that time, and through eternity, Jeremiah says in chapter 31 His temple now resides within the hearts of men--men that love Him AND keep His commandments (Torah).

In consideration of building a house, this letter suggests a Husband that takes a bride.  Through the house of Jacob (Israel), the bride was chosen.  For a time, the bride dwelt with her Husband in unity, blessed among all the nations.  Isaiah writes of this marital union.

I greatly rejoice in יהוה, my being exults in my Elohim.  For He has put garments of deliverance on me, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels".   Isaiah 61: 10

Yet, a time came when the heart of the bride grew wicked and forsook her husband.  Of her demise, Jeremiah writes.

"For thus said יהוה of hosts, the Elohim of Yisra’ĕl, 'See, before your eyes and in your days, I am making the voice of rejoicing and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride to cease in this place.'"   Jeremiah 16: 9

"And I shall banish from them the voice of rejoicing and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones and the light of the lamp."   Jeremiah 25: 10

Even banished from their land and home, they were not to be utterly destroyed.  They were banished because they violated His Torah at every turn of the road.  Yet, Father had, and still has, a plan from days of old to restore a remnant to their land and rightful home.  Jeremiah writes.

"The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who are saying, 'Praise יהוה of hosts, for יהוה is good, for His kindness is forever,' of those who are bringing the offering of praise into the House of יהוה.  For I shall turn back the captivity of the land, as at the first,’ declares יהוה."  Jeremiah 33: 11

Today, we are the subject of that "(turning) back".  We have come out of religious organizations that say "God is finished with Israel" and "the law (Torah) has been done away with".  We are those that have turned back to the "simplicity" of Father's Torah, given by Messiah Yeshua, and recorded through Moses.  We're not perfect at it, but we have it in our hearts to earnestly try hard, not for salvation, but because we love Him.  

Messiah Yeshua is our Husband.  From before the foundation of the world, we are His chosen bride.  Through us, Father will build a house for Yeshua that will last through eternity.  As an earthly husband, we are the head of our home just as Yeshua is the head of "the bride".  Yet, it is the lady that bares, rears, and nurtures the children, and is in charge of running the affairs of the home.  In parallel, we as His remnant bride are charged with seeking out and encouraging Messiah's remnant chosen.  Paul writes of his acceptance, and the simplicity, of that charge.

"For I am jealous for you with a jealousy according to Elohim. For I gave you in marriage to one husband, to present you as an innocent maiden to Messiah.  But I am afraid, lest, as the serpent deceived Eve by his trickery, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Messiah."   2 Corinthians 11: 2-3 

It should not be difficult to understand Satan cannot kill, do harm to, or otherwise trick Father.  By the same understanding we should realize that one who remains obedient to Father's Word (Torah) has the same immunity.  Satan had no power to deceive Eve in and of himself.  He could only succeed because Eve departed from what YHVH told she and Adam.  In giving His instruction concerning the forbidden tree, Father told them they "should not eat of it".  Consider her response to Satan's temptation.

"And the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which יהוה Elohim had made, and he said to the woman, 'Is it true that Elohim has said, 'Do not eat of every tree of the garden’?  And the woman said to the serpent, 'We are to eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim has said', 'Do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest you die.'"  Genesis 3: 1-3

Satan merely approached Eve and asked a question in line with what Father actually said.  If Eve had just responded in simplicity--i.e. "Yep, that's what He said"--the story might have ended right there.  However, she committed a fateful error for all mankind.  She added something to what Father actually said.  She said, " not eat of it, nor touch it..."  Herein lies the source of our trouble.

This is an example of a fun little game I've heard of and participated in.  Several people (the more the better) sit in a circle.  The first person whispers a statement in the ear of the second person.  Then, the second person does the same for the third, and so on until the last person declares to the first the transferred statement.  The final declaration is usually unrecognizable or totally alien to what the original statement was.  

This is likely what happened to Eve.  Father may well have told Adam not to eat of the tree.  Then he told his wife (with a little emphesis in explanation), to which she added her understanding for Satan.  Carried out through the generations, it is understandable how Scriptural precepts get distorted.  To guard against this end, Moses writes.

"Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it (diminish), so as to guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim which I am commanding you."  
Deuteronomy 4: 2

"All the words I am commanding you, guard to do it – do not add to it nor take away from it (diminish)."   Deuteronomy 12: 32

The writer of Proverbs has this to say.

"Every Word of Eloah is tried; He is a shield to those taking refuge in Him.  Do not add to His Words, lest He reprove you."   Proverbs 30: 5-6

A similar warning is given by John the Revelator concerning the restructure of this book of prophecy, and by extension to the whole of Holy Scripture.

"For I witness to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, Elohim shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Elohim shall take away his part from the Book of Life, and out of the set-apart city, which are written in this Book."   Revelation 22: 18-19 

However the sequence of instructional transfer might have occurred, Eve's addition to Father's actual single item of instruction doubled in scope.  Thus, the door was opened for Satan to lay temptation at her feet.

"And the serpent said to the woman, 'You shall certainly not die.  For Elohim knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like Elohim, knowing good and evil.'”  Genesis 3: 4-5

With the temptation presented, Eve and her husband are led like a lamb to the slaughter.  Herein lies the source of all our sinful nature.  Moses writes.

"And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, and she took of its fruit and ate.  And she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate."  Genesis 3: 6 

That which always puts us at odds with Father's righteous ideals is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.  The lust of the flesh viewed the tree as "good for food".  The lust of the eyes saw that "it was pleasant" to look upon.  The pride of life observed that the tree was "desirable to make one wise".   

Much is written in Scripture concerning the pitfalls of the lust of the flesh and eyes.  Yet, foremost is the concept we were not created to "be like God".  We have proved through the centuries we just weren't made to handle the position.  We have the inate propensity to really mess it up.  We were merely made to fellowship with Him.  

I close with the following "wise" admonition, with reward, of the writer of Proverbs.  Do not be wise in your own eyes by following the traditions of men.  Seek Father's wisdom and prosper.  Shalom in Messiah Yeshua.

"Trust in יהוה with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; know Him in all your ways, and He makes all your paths straight.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear יהוה and turn away from evil.  It is healing to your navel, and moistening to your bones.  Esteem יהוה with your goods, and with the first-fruits of all your increase; then your storehouses shall be filled with plenty, and your vats overflow with new wine."  Proverbs 3: 5-10 

Pereshah Massei 2012--Numbers 33: 1--36: 13

As I sit here contemplating what Father would have me to write, I look back to my comments on this portion during the summer of 2011.  In the body of my comments, I put forth a parallel between the 42 campsites for the children of Israel and the 42 campsites SueJean and I had traveled to since beginning our ministry in 2009.  Among those comments, I have chosen the paragraph below to begin this writing.

[In light of Deuteronomy 8: 2-3, Father is merely giving us a "report card" on our progress.  He has tested us these last two plus years "to know what was in (our) heart, whether (we) would keep His commandments or not".  It is rather likely our next campsite will be in the winter wilderness of Alaska--the first of maybe another 42.]

In considering the scope of my comments, I realize this is the first time since "Massei" in the summer of 2011 that I have posted any writings to my blog.  Regardless of the reasons for the absence, Father truly has been testing us (especially me) "to know what was in (our) heart").

Even with the calling, and a myriad of confirmations, to leave Georgia and travel to Alaska during the summer of 2011, I personally accepted it with a degree of apprehension.  Since I handle most of the financial aspects of our family and ministry, I knew we would likely be financially "behind the 8-ball" when we got here.  In fact, we spent all the cash we had on hand and spent the first half of the summer paying off the credit card that helped finish the journey.

As I look back on that spring and summer, I must admit I was not all that happy about making the trip.  I further remember thinking, "surely Father wouldn't want us to stay there for the winter.  After all, He knows our home is an RV and the only LOGICAL decision would be to return to the southern part of the lower 48 for the winter".

As the summer of 2011 waned away, we became more aware by the day that His purpose was for us to remain in Alaska.  At first, I personally accepted the challenge with a degree of bravado.  In reality, while the bravado helped raise my level of faith a degree or two, it only served to cover my personal fears and, for a time, my resistance to Father's leading.  Both would eventually cause me to be the recipient of a series of very painful and humiliating lessons.

After leaving Tok in mid August 2011, we traveled north to tour the Fairbanks area for a week or so.  We continued our tour south from there to Wasilla to visit some dear friends that were instrumental in helping us with our Alaska journey. While spending about a week there, the thought of heading back to the southern 48 was still rumbling around in our minds.

I am so thankful SueJean has a sensitivity for the leading of the Holy Spirit.  I am a long-time Baptist and, like a vast majority of Baptists, I have very little perception of such a Spirit leading.  In fact, most Baptists I have known will ask you to leave their church if you talk too much about such ideals, especially if you start speaking in tongues.

With that said, my mind set has been based more on what I see with my eyes, or physical circumstances.  While in Georgia, I was in the middle of the "Bible belt".  It was the deep south and my country music, especially Johnny Cash, was readily and graciously accepted.  By April of 2011, I had made three appearances on radio and television and was the headline singer for the City of Colquitt Mayhaw festival.

With the possibilities that could spring from that time of just a few months, It should be understood why I would be a "tough nut to crack" in deciding to go to Alaska.  Even though I did give in to the call, it would not be the last time I would see that test placed before me.  Be assured, Father will not allow partial or halfhearted obedience to His direction.

While in Wasilla last fall, we looked for doors to open for ministry and music.  For my "physical eyes", the answer was clear.  There are two country music radio stations in Wasilla/Anchorage area.  To my delight, the Wasilla radio station plays all "classic country", especially Johnny Cash. For me, it was a "slam dunk".  Surely we could find a music gig somewhere.  Besides, Wasilla is a rich place because it has both a Wally World AND a Burger King.  Now, what more could one leaving Egypt behind ask for?

Because SueJean observes more with her "spiritual eyes", with no open doors in Wasilla, and the idea of returning to the lower 48 now to the fore front of our minds, we decided to give Alaska one more chance to open a door to us.  Because of SueJean's research, it was determined the absolute best place in Alaska for us to survive a winter in our RV would be to the extreme southwest in Homer.    

We decided to make a 4-5 day trip to test the waters in what the locals call the "banana republic of Alaska".  Although it does get cold in Homer, the weather is rather mild, especially near the bay.  If we were going to survive a winter in Alaska, it would have to be in Homer.  All we needed was an open door for our music.    

SueJean sent a few e-mails to contacts we had in Homer.  With our conception that a ship's course is more easily adjusted when in motion, we set out on the two day journey with no idea what we might find.  If we were unsuccessful, then we would give Wasilla one more chance on our way back to the lower 48.   

As I look back on that decision, it's a good thing we proceeded according to SueJean's "spiritual eyes".  On the morning of the second day of the journey, I received a call from one of our contacts.  Father provided our music gig before we even got to our destination.  Also, depending upon the person we talked to, Homer/Wasilla/Anchorage experienced the worst winter in 50 years.  We would never have made it in Wasilla, nearly 300 miles to the north.

That winter brought out possibly the harshest test Father had given me to that point.  The fall went fairly smooth with rather mild temperatures, even with a little snow in November.  I can handle that.  I grew up in central Illinois, and lived in Denver for six years.  "Hey, this really isn't that bad", I thought.  Little did I know what was coming.  

In late December, it started snowing again, this time at a 4-6 inch per day clip--for 24 straight days.  January was the coldest month in Alaska history.  Many days the wind came off the bay at as much as a 50-60 MPH clip.  Snow was blowing literally sideways.  Until I was able to acquire proper shoe cleats, it was not uncommon for my head to wind up where my feet were supposed to be, in the blink of an eye.  

We had to deal with frozen sewer and water lines.  We dealt with the hazard of a two wheel drive pickup truck in snow and ice--BAD thing in Alaska.  We had snow chains that barely fit our vehicle and insisted upon coming off while we were driving.  In the end, our RV furnace quit working in March.  Our washer/dryer and hot water heater did the same in May/June.  

With the harsh winter in the "banana republic", Father drew out of me some things that were huge spiritual stumbling blocks to my walk with Him.  The lessons He taught were just as harsh as the weather and didn't take long to begin and would last through the to the summer.  

Within a couple days of the December onslaught of snow, my rebellion to His ways came gushing out.  After a few days of my face winding up in a place where my feet just occupied and trying to keep my head screwed on straight while bracing against 40-60 MPH winds, I verbally expressed that I was going to hitch up my RV and head back to the lower 48 as soon as the snow stopped.

With this verbal assertion, I denied His direction for us in Homer.  I'm extremely thankful His mercy was extended to me. Many in the exodus from Egypt payed for the expression of such mind sets with their lives.  ALL except Joshua and Kaleb eventually paid that price.  For me, I would pay a price equal to my level of rebellion.  Messiah said, "If your right eye offend you, pluck it out..."

Within a day or so of my verbal outburst, the retina in my right eye detached.  Although painless, the loss of sight in that eye was quick and almost total.  To compound the situation, I had a huge cataract in my left eye.  Put the two together, and I was rendered almost totally blind.  After insisting upon "walking by sight" and personal desires, I seemed to hear Father say, "Go ahead and hitch up now.  Let's see how far you get". 

After five months learning this lesson, four surgeries, and related lessons thereafter, I have sight restored in both eyes.  However, the right eye may remain a little deficient, as a reminder, until the day I enter His kingdom.  Needless to say, I'm guarding my tongue and attitude a little better these days.  I don't wish to try Father's patience further.  Otherwise, the repeated lessons would likely be far worse.

As of my writing on this portion last summer, our "report card" from Father was fairly good.  Yet, there is no "status quo" in His teaching.  As I found out, the next level requires tougher lessons to learn.  All too many of us get to a certain level on our journey in Messiah and just camp there for the rest of our walk with Him, and stagnate to the point of uselessness.

Ultimately, our journey will find His faithful remnant in the kingdom.  That trek requires complete surrender to Father's direction.  There is no room in His service for those that choose to mingle personal desires with His leading.  That doesn't mean we can't "stop and smell the roses" on our journey.   Even so, such an extended mixture will eventually nix one's chances of entering His kingdom.  If one rebels long enough, Father will just let them continue on to their demise and find someone else for the job.  

It is very simple.  We will experience the same tests as did our ancestors in the wilderness.  We have them as an example.  We know the questions AND the answers.  All we need do is subordinate our own self desires and give them over to Father's leading.  It may be simple, but I can attest it really isn't that easy.  Human nature never is.  However, it IS doable.  In Yeshua, "we are made more than conquerors".  His reward is held in reserve for those that "overcome".

As I have already mentioned, Father will test us again and again until He is satisfied the lessons have been properly learned.  With the damage our RV sustained through the winter, and with no one apparently willing or able to affect the necessary repairs, we told our host in late June we were leaving within the week and had no choice but to return to the lower 48 to find an RV dealer that could work on our rig.  

A few days thereafter, massive flooding washed out the Alaska Highway, the only way in or out of Alaska by road.  Near the BC/Yukon border in Canada, the highway was closed for about 150 miles.  A hundred or so travelers were stranded in between the washed out spots.  Father had effectively blocked that direction, telling us clearly to "stay put".    

As for needed repairs, He provided a man who was able to do the warranty work without moving the RV or tearing up our winter underpinning.  Now, we're ready for a second winter in Homer.  By the way, As I put the finishing touches on this article, winter has arrived in Homer.  It just started snowing.

As always, SueJean and I write to be an encouragement to the many that have accessed our blog sites.  SueJean's Tsiyon Bound site has drawn over ten thousand pages reads to date.  My site has seen about five thousand hits.  Many of those page reads have been multiple and return visit reads by the same readers.  We sincerely thank each reader for their interest in our content.

We have the faith to believe many of our readers have been blessed.  Yet, we are no different than any other minister.  We need encouragement too.  Would you take the time to write a short note in our comment sections and let us know how we have blessed you?  If you have a prayer request, we would like to know that too.  Thank y'all again and have a terrific Son-shine day in Messiah Yeshua!