Massei - "Stages" Numbers 33:1 - 36:13

I have written before that Torah is in every way living.  Since beginning the continuous Torah study cycle nearly three years ago, far more times than not I have found a particular Torah portion to be very applicable to circumstances or challenges I was facing at the precise time of its scheduled reading.

This portion is most certainly one of those times--in a way that somewhat "blew me away".  It is like I heard Father speak to my spirit over 30 years ago.  "I am speaking to you through My Word.  Read it!"  Through this portion, He spoke to my spirit and confirmed my faith.

After reading chapter 33 in this portion, and at SueJean's behest, I counted up all of the purposed destinations (or campsites) to which we had journeyed since we left Austin, Texas in June of 2009.  Excluding all our one night stays in Wally World parking lots or elsewhere for a short rest, our purposed campsites, including our current site in Tok, Alaska, totaled 42.

I recount this personal testimony NOT to lift up or draw undue attention to ourselves in any way.  Rather, in sharing this experience with our readers, I challenge each person to grasp the living nature of YAH's Holy Torah.  As He has done repeatedly with SueJean and I, He will do according to your specific circumstances.

More important than a focus upon the number of campsites is identifying that which we left behind along the way.  Scripture accounts prove Moses had far less trouble getting his people out of Egypt than he had getting Egypt out of his people.  Father has the same problem with His people today.

The children of Israel continually moaned and complained about the lack of food and water in the wilderness and reflected longingly back to Egypt for the pittance they once had.  For us today, there is little difference with our dependence upon Wally World, Burger King, that government check, or our careers.

Upon driving out of Austin, we left behind the security of a steady income.  With each mile driven, our meager savings disappeared.  A separation of ministry ties left our reliance totally upon Father.  We left behind family members that still refuse to follow the commands of Torah and would rather coddle careers, friends, and other family members.  As for a Wally World or Burger King, the closest venue for us is now over 200 miles.

I would submit for the encouragement of those trying to likewise shed Egypt from their lives the following words from Yeshua.

"And every one that has forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive and hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."  Matthew 19: 29

In NO way am I saying we have completed our journey and stand ready to enter the promised land.  Such would be arrogant and presumptuous to think or say.  Rather, I think Father gave this little piece of revelation to show His loving hand of providence upon our lives, as our Master Coach in this game of life.

In light of Deuteronomy 8: 2-3, Father is merely giving us a "report card" on our progress.  He has tested us these last two plus years "to know what was in (our) heart, whether (we) would keep His commandments or not".  It is rather likely our next campsite will be in the winter wilderness of Alaska--the first of maybe another 42.

In studying Torah under great men like Monte Judah and Mike Clayton for nearly three years, I think I'm just now graduating from third grade.  These two men have taught Torah a cumulative 35 years or so.  Maybe by the time I've studied that long, I might know enough to get out of Torah high school.

I really think what Father is doing is preparing all of us for chapter 34 in this lesson.  He is preparing us for the day we REALLY return to the land.  He is writing His Torah on our hearts.  He is little by little paring Egypt out of our lives.  For, those that insist on clinging to the rudiments of our worldly society will not survive to walk alive into His eternal kingdom.

Here is the heart of the matter.  Ten times the people of Moses miserably failed Father's wilderness tests.  In the end, only Joshua and Kaleb live to walk into the promised land.  It is for us to seriously learn and live out the proper responses to these ten tests.  We WILL see them again.

It is not for me to expound further here.  Rather, I humbly defer to the expertise of Monte Judah regarding these tests.  Below is a link to an article of his on this subject.  Heed the instruction and be eternally encouraged.

I would only leave the words of Paul for our readers.  From Holy Scripture we have both the questions and correct answers.  Learn from the mistakes of the past and walk with us into His kingdom.

"Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, UPON WHOM THE ENDS OF THE AGES HAVE COME." 
1 Corinthians 10: 11 

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