Va'Etchanan - "And I Pleaded" Deuteronomy 3:22- 7: 11

As I consider what to write for this portion, I look back to the "Devarim" portion and realize I may have overlapped both portions.  Yet, there is one subject in this portion that speaks to me in particular. "Belief" in Father is of the utmost importance.  We must believe He is the best example possible of a doting Father we will ever see.  It is as the writer of Hebrews says. 

"But without belief it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to Elohim has to believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him."  Hebrews 11: 6 

As Mosheh recounts the bitter tears shed for the loss of his "ticket" to the promised land, we are left to wonder just what it was he did to reap such harsh judgment.  He fell victim to the same malady as do most of us.  We don't listen to the Word of Adonai because we are too busy with our own agendas to heed the warning of Solomon in Proverbs.  

"Trust in YHVH with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; know Him in all your ways, and He makes all your paths straight." Proverbs 3: 5-6   

I have asked many people if they can quote the first commandment of the ten.  Of those that are at least familiar with the list recorded in our Bibles, most answer, "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me".  Of course, that is incorrect.  That is the first according to our Christian Bible translators.  Actually, the first and second of that list are put together to make up the second commandment.  The first is as follows.

“I am YHVH your Elohim, Who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery."  Exodus 20: 2  

From the Hebrew perspective, the main thrust of YHVH's opening statement is in the form of a command--"Believe in Me".  This is the mistake of Mosheh.  He was too busy being provoked by his rebellious undercharges to listen to and trust in the instruction of Father.  His lack of discretion has caused trouble all down through the ages.

In his first dealing with the issue of water, YHVH told Mosheh to strike the rock (a picture of our smitten Messiah).  However, in this instance, Father told Mosheh to "tell the peopleto speak to the rock".  To this day, the sin of Mosheh has caused many to rely far too heavily upon the teaching of their pastors or leaders when they should be speaking to the Rock for themselves.  It is as Isaiah wrote of our Messiah.

“Oh everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.  And you who have no silver, come, buy and eat.  Come, buy wine and milk without silver and without price."  Isaiah 55: 1  

I am not against sitting under the teaching of any Godly leader.  However, to adequately and properly quench our spiritual thirst and satisfy our hunger for the meat (truth) of His Word, we need to have the resolve of the Bereans.  Otherwise, we open ourselves to a wide array of false doctrines.  Check it out for yourself!

"And the brothers immediately sent Sha’ul and Silas away by night to Beroia, who, having come, went into the congregation of the Yehudim.  Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonike, who received the word with great eagerness, and searched the Scriptures daily, if these words were so."   Acts 17:11

With this statement, YHVH presented grace as the first and only commandment of which our obedience will garner redemption and eventual salvation.  It is truly as John the apostle wrote.  There is no other way!

“For Elohim so loved the world that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life."  John 3: 16

Without a solid grasp of this true, first commandment, it is impossible to adhere to the remaining nine.  All of Torah is written to support and expound upon these ten commandments.  Although grace (unobtainable by any works on our part) is a free gift from YHVH to us, it and the Torah are inseparable.  You can't have one without the other.  YHVH tells us through Jeremiah. 

"I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts.  And I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people." Jeremiah 31: 33

As it is now, it was from the beginning.  Since Adam, it has been a matter of the heart.  Although given to Mosheh and written on stone tablets, it has and always will be as Yeshua said through John.

“If you love Me, you shall guard My commands (Torah)."  John 14: 15

“If you guard My commands (Torah), you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love."  John 15: 10 

It is as simple as an act of love and deep gratitude that we strive to keep every aspect of His Torah.  Because Yeshua "first loved us", and presented Himself as our Sacrificial Lamb, we owe Him our obedience to His Torah.  We are not our own.  We are bought with a price.

The "commands, judgments, and right rulings" of Torah, including grace, is everlasting.  Because I love Yeshua dearly and have such gratitude for His unmerited blessing of redemption, I will do my best to adhere to His commandments.  Do you love Him enough to do the same?  Do you love Him enough to teach your children His ways?  

I find it fitting for me to close my comments on this portion just as did Mosheh closes this portion.  

“And you shall guard the commands, and the laws, and the right-rulings which I command you today, to do them."  Deuteronomy 7: 11 

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