The Perfect Covenant--The Whole Truth

Anthem Three
The Perfect Covenant

“The law (Torah) of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.”
Psalms 19: 7a

The Whole Truth

Part 1 of 2

This world is replete with examples of the greatness and majesty of YHVH.  Just as awe-inspiring, the views of our astronauts from 240,000 miles above the earth proclaim His magnificence.  Yet, there is no comparison between the creation of our Master Creator and the perfect revelation contained in His written, Living Word.  For, it is through this revelation we are afforded a pathway of reclamation from our fallen state of sin.  It is only by total immersion in His Holy Scripture and its espoused ideals, we have any chance to be cleansed and sanctified in His presence—a “washing of water by the Word”, as Paul told the Ephesians was the responsibility of Godly husbands to their wives.

There is not a more perfect revelation of YAH to man than His Covenant Word.  Its beauty is far greater than anything in His creation. In this part of the 19th Psalm, David presents six statements concerning YAH’s instruction in His written Word.  Each of these statements gives tribute to our Master Law Giver with the phrase, “of the Lord”.  Each presents a different word to describe His written Torah. Each also contains an appraisal of value and a reward for adhering to this written Torah.

David begins v. 7 with, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul”.  The word for “law” in this instance is “Torah”, referring specifically to His precepts and statutes.  David says this law is “perfect”.  He used the word, “tamiym”.  The word means “entire, complete, and without blemish”.  This law is entire and complete in that it can’t be added to as religious leaders have over the years.  It is without blemish because it is entirely by the hand of YAH and devoid of the traditions of man.

Moses speaks of this Perfection in Deuteronomy 32: 4 when he says, “He is the Rock, His work is perfect…”  It is further said in 2 Samuel 22: 31, “As for YAH, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven.  He is a shield to all who trust in Him”.  His perfect ideals are tried and proven.  David says in 12: 6 of the Psalms, “The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times”.  They are proven and, therefore, trustworthy.  It is for that reason Yeshua said through Matthew in 5: 48, “Therefore you shall be perfect (pursue excellence), just as your Father in heaven is perfect”.

Click Here To Continue In The 19th Psalm

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