An Encouraging Word

I once heard a "wishful thinking" story depicting Satan's desire for retirement. He had worked hard through the centuries wreaking havoc upon YHVH's plans. His was tired and looked forward to an impending and well-deserved rest enjoying the fruits of his labor.

In making plans for departure from his works of evil, he gathered all his tools of the trade—lust, greed, hate, etc.—and disposed of them. As he was parting with these tools, he just couldn't resist the thought of maybe coming out of retirement at sometime in the future. So, he decided to keep one tool, just in case. With this one tool—discouragement—he knew he would eventually regain all the other tools he disposed of.

Of course, we all know he will never retire—until the day Yeshua slams for the last time the gates to the bottomless pit. Even so, this little story sets the stage for a presentation of that which YHVH has asked me to do, and has been the focal point of our recent journey around our country—encouraging HIS remnant children.

Sometimes life is peaceful and all seems well. Yet, other times are replete with sorrow and misery—or somewhere in between. In the posts that follow this introduction, I will share thoughts of encouragement I found hidden within the 84th Psalm.

True encouragement is achieved “only” in a manner found in 1 Samuel 30: 6. In the previous 5 verses, an account is given for David's distress. Yet, it is recorded in the latter part of v. 6 that David looked up out of his trouble and “encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God”. With these posts, I pray our Messiah bestows peace and contentment in the place of tribulation.


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