B'resheet--Chapter Three

Chapter Three--
Sneaky Snake

Chapter three opens with the villain of this beautiful story.  With all of his “glib tongued” abilities, it could rightly be attributed of him as the first politician.  After all, he is known as the “father of lies”. Consider Moshe’s description of him.

“And the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which יהוה Elohim had made, and he said to the woman, “Is it true that Elohim has said, ‘Do not eat of every tree of the garden’?”
Genesis 3: 1

Just like a crooked politician!  Speak just enough truth to set the trap, for which Eve fell hook, line, and sinker. Throughout the ages, mankind has been falling for the same tricks. Consider Eve’s response.

“And the woman said to the serpent, “We are to eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim has said, ‘Do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest you die.’”  
Genesis 3: 2-3

Just like the little mouse that nibbled too much of that cheese, Eve was now at mercy of this “fancy Dan” politician. One might say, “But Danny, she didn’t fall for anything.  She affirmatively spoke the truth of Elohim”.  Actually, that’s not so.  Consider the original directive of Elohim.

“And יהוה Elohim commanded the man, saying, “Eat of every tree of the garden, but do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it you shall certainly die.”  Genesis 2: 16-17

Did you catch the trap into which Eve fell?  Moshe specifically commanded in Torah not to add to or take away from the commands of Elohim.  Eve clearly added to the command when she said, “nor touch it”.  If one violates this principle, disaster enters through the door of our life.

According to the account, Eve was tempted first.  There are many ill-spoken jokes and anecdotes floating around regarding this order, to which I refuse to give credence.  In fact, I think the “onus” falls squarely at the feet of Adam.

It was Adam that came before Eve in the order of creation.  It was his responsibility to care not only for all of Elohim’s creation, but for the care of his wife.  According to the account, Elohim only told Adam, “the man”, about the forbidden fruit.  We can assume he would tell his wife of such an important command, but such isn’t conclusive.  Scripture doesn’t validate.

For this example, in modern terms, let’s assume Adam was at least smart enough to convey this command to Eve.  I have heard it said, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”.  In knowing the serpent desired to destroy the very life of Elohim’s creation, food would be the likely point of attack.  The following is my version of a humorous story, from a modern perspective, I once heard that shows the pitfalls of not vigilantly guarding His commands.

As is in most homes, the lady of the house is usually charged with the feeding of her family. It would be far easier for the serpent to achieve his goals by going first to Eve.  After all, Adam was thinking about nothing other than finishing his daily routine so he could hurry home and watch Monday Night Football.

While Adam was otherwise occupied, the serpent came to Eve and presented his ideas of party favors for the big game. By the time Adam gets home from work, the serpent has departed the scene.  After giving Eve a quick hug and kiss, he grabs a cold beverage from the fridge and turns on the game.

In the early part of the first quarter, Eve brings a beautifully arrayed tray filled with assorted fruit from various trees in the garden and places it before Adam.  He barely notices the different varieties, and just nods his head when Eve explains why there are slices of fruit on the tray from the forbidden tree.  He just absently responds, “Thank you, honey…oooh yeah, touchdown!"  Don’t get side tracked.  Guard His commands.

In multiple accounts from Genesis to Revelation, Scripture tells us to be diligent in guarding Elohim’s commands.  They are life to our very soul.  We are not saved by or through them. That is achieved through faith in Yeshua.  However, the favor or blessing of Elohim is ours if we do.  Men, it is YOUR responsibility to care for and govern your home.  Do so with an atmosphere of vigilance and loving kindness, as unto Adonai.

The Sting Of Death

There is a concept I’ve heard expressed as follows.  “All mankind is created in the image of Elohim”.  A true Scriptural understanding will completely refute this idea.  When Nicodemus came to Yeshua, as recorded in John 3, Yeshua told him;

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born from above, he is unable to see the reign of Elohim.”  John 3: 3

When Nicodemus wondered how that could be when he was old, Yeshua responded as follows.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he is unable to enter into the reign of Elohim.  That which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit.  Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You have to be born from above.’”  John 3: 5-7

When he still didn’t understand, Yeshua marveled and replied:

“Are you the teacher of Yisra’ĕl, and do not know this?”  John 3: 10

Just like Nicodemus, the majority of believers still don’t understand.  This concept was made succinctly clear in this Torah portion.  Elohim said in the first chapter,  “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…”  Of a certainty, Adam and Eve were made in the image of Elohim.  However, are we?  The answer is an emphatic NO.  As the Scripture says:

“And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and brought forth a son in his own likeness, after his image, and called his name Shĕth.”  Genesis 5: 3

When Cain and Abel were born, sin had entered the world.  Adam and Eve no longer bore the image of Elohim.  The entirety of their being was tainted and separated from Elohim. Eternal death was the penalty.  Our first parents were tricked by “sneaky snake” into thinking death meant “right on the spot”.  Actually, Adam lived over 900 years.  Isn’t it tragic how the spin of one little word can affect creation to such a dramatic extent?  

Of a fact, we are descended from our first parents and born in their image, estranged from Elohim.  Under the terms of Elohim’s covenant with Adam, we are constrained to till our fields of labor by the sweat of our brow.  Our wives still bear our children in pain and sorrow.

Before judgment was passed upon Adam and Eve, the serpent received his just due. Scripture teaches that the serpent wasn’t just a part of chapter one creation.  He walked upright and was the angel, Lucifer, who fell from Heaven, the great deceiver and father of lies.  Read what Elohim has to say in his judgment.

“Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all livestock and more than every beast of the field. On your belly you are to go, and eat dust all the days of your life.  And I put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed1. He shall crush your head, and you shall crush His heel.””  
Genesis 3: 14-15

It is written in Psalms 85: 10, “Kindness and truth shall meet, Righteousness and peace shall kiss".  With judgment of the serpent, mercy has been extended to mankind, beginning with Adam.  The words of Yeshua, “You must be born again”, ring so true through this judgment.  Our redemption through Him will tread fatally upon the head of the serpent.

We are born of Adam and Eve, and are born again through the mercy and grace of the “Seed”, Yeshua.  In Him, we are truly “born of water and Spirit”, and as believers, begin our transformation spiritually back into the image of Elohim.

Even though mercy was provided through judgment, it was necessary for Adam and Eve to be expelled from the garden. The reasoning was access to the Tree of Life.  They might eat of it and live for ever, a fountain of youth, if you will.

There is a multitude of Scriptural evidence that points to our time being the last generation spoken of throughout the Bible.  There is a parallel in this expulsion that also gives credence to that teaching.  With the mind-boggling growth of knowledge today--doubling every few months, much faster as of this writing--man is now creating human life in a test tube.  Could eternal life, by their hands, be just around the corner?

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