A Pure Covenant--A Matter of Choice

A Matter of Choice
Part 3 of 4

Today, there are those that seem to think as the Pharisees did, and say such things as, “To please God, He expects us to adapt ourselves to the culture we live in”. Such do not realize the absolute and unchanging, no nonsense nature of YHVH. In their own wisdom, they add the weakness of man’s doctrine to the strength of YAH’s commands, thus polluting that which was already pure. In so doing, they contaminate, debase, pervert, and make invalid His pure Word. They are incontinent, in that they have no self-restraint. They add man’s wisdom to man’s wisdom, and eventually develop, “seared consciences”, as Paul spoke of to Timothy in 4: 3 of his first epistle.

However, for those that choose to willingly and graciously follow our Beloved, they receive the reward as described by David in his conclusion of this phrase, “enlightening the eyes”. For “enlightening”, David uses the word, “’owr”. He is describing a person that glows or shines. Their countenance is luminous, even as if set on fire.

I’m sure you have met some of these people. They almost always have a smile on their face, an encouraging word on their lips, and a bounce in their step. They are usually as the dawning of a new day, and very, very pleasant to be around. These are enlightened because they keep their eyes on their Lord. David said in 25: 15 of the Psalms, “My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the net”.

Because we keep our eyes on our Lord, AND honor the commandments of our Beloved, we can truly ask of our Lord as David in 17: 8, “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me under the shadow of your wings”. In parallel, the record says of the law of an earthly father in 7: 2 of the Proverbs, “Keep my commands and live, and my law as the apple of your eye”.

The same can be said of the commands of our Beloved. Regardless of our circumstances, the eye—or the fountain of our lives—shines with His glory, even if we are as Moses described in 32: 10 of Deuteronomy concerning his people in Egypt, “He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye”.

Click Here To Continue In The 19th Psalm

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