An Authority Covenant--Divine Decree

Anthem Five
An Authority Covenant

“The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart...”
Psalms 19: 8a

Divine Decree
Part 1 of 4

When I stood beneath a star-studded Colorado sky, I saw more than an immense expanse in YAH’s majestic universe. I saw an order in the panoramic view that explodes a chaotic evolutionary creation theory—with a “big bang”. I saw a beautiful picture of perfect harmony in every detail displayed before me. I saw planets that revolve around their suns, and moons that revolve around their planets. I saw galaxies just filled to the brim with multiple solar systems, each on their appointed courses, within and without.

Without order in such a heavenly arena, one little miscue would cause a chain reaction, domino effect that could ultimately destroy that beautiful universe rather than create it. The chaos that would result would be very similar in nature to a multi-vehicle accident on one of our crowded high-speed freeways—only on a vastly larger and more devastating scale. Without order, such a chaotic imbalance could not create, but, rather, only destroy.

In v. 19 of the 104th Psalm, the writer gives testimony to order in the creation of our Lord when he says, “He appointed the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down”. Merely with the spoken word, our Master Craftsman set order in the heavens. The Genesis account records in 1: 14, “Then YHVH said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years”.

Click Here To Continue In The 19th Psalm

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