The Alef Tav Story--The Missing Word

Part 1 of 4

During my spiritual journey through the decades, I have found many things in YHVH's Holy Scripture I was never taught in any Christian church.  One such item of revelation has it's roots in a declaration of YHVH by the prophet, Isaiah.

"Remember the former things of old, for I am YHVH, and there is no other; I am YHVH, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.'" Isaiah 46: 9-10

The very first verse in Holy Scripture is a fulfilling example of Father's statement through Isaiah.  It is filled with glorious revelation and end time prophesy.  Yet, every Christian teacher I have ever heard has used it in various sermon themes exclusively regarding creation.  Certainly, this is a very valid theme.  However, it goes far deeper.  Our Bibles read as follows.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1: 1 

On the surface, creation is the central theme of the entire chapter.  Yet, when looking at the Hebrew rendering of this verse, a word is found that never was translated into any of our English versions, and yields jewels of immense value.  It appears the rendering of this verse has troubled translators through the generations.  The Hebrew reads as follows.

"B'reishit (In the beginning) bara (created) Elohim (God) [et] ha'shamyim (the heavens) v'et (and) ha'erets (the earth)."  Genesis 1: 1

The Hebrew rendering clearly shows the missing word, "et", placed at the right hand of the Father, "Elohim".  These two Hebrew letters--alef and tav--bring to light the beauty of Father's creative revelation where the traditional, English rendering of "In the beginning God...", has tragically left it hidden.

If not for John, we might still be in the dark concerning this missing word.  In a very similar fashion as Moses, he opens his gospel with the same phrase, "In the beginning..." and proceeds to bring into the light this missing word--and even explicitly describes the "Word".  

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God."   John 1: 1-2

Here is John the Beloved speaking of this missing Word, placing Him in the exact order as did Moses to begin Holy Scripture.  He identifies the missing Word, "et", (Alef/Tav), says the Word was with God, "Elohim et", and the Word "was God".  Just as Moses testified of Him, John says He was "in the beginning with God".

Just who is this Living Word that was with Father God in the beginning, and was, in fact, Father God Himself?  Who would be better than the same beloved apostle to reveal the true identity of this Living Word?  For, he was closest to Messiah.  Speaking of Yeshua, John reveals the identity of the "Word" in Revelation.  He says of Him.

"'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End', says the Lord, 'Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.'"  Revelation 1: 8

I have cited this Scripture exactly as it reads in all of our Bibles for the purpose of exposing an obvious lie, or at least a serious detraction from truth, of/by Christian teaching.  This statement is made by a Hebrew apostle regarding a Hebrew God for the peaceful and comforting benefit of a nation of Hebrew people.  A Greek rendering is nothing more than another lie to obscure Messiah's true, Hebrew identity.

I hardly think the proper rendering would be "Alpha and Omega".  Although the rendered Greek letters are the first and last of their alphabet, the proper rendering would be the first and last letters of the Hebrew alefbet--"Alef and Tav".  Such rendering in Revelation specifically names the "Word" of John 1: 1 and agrees with the missing "Word" of Moses in Genesis 1: 1. 

It is indeed encouraging to the spirit to correctly understand Scripture--in this case, the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end--from its Hebrew perspective rather than from twisted, ever changing perspectives of western, theological thought.  In my next article, I will draw a picture of grace, redemption, and judgment gleaned from this same "Alef Tav" of Moses.  I pray His encouraging shalom be upon you and yours.

Click Here For Part Two--Picture Of A Thousand Words

No Turning Back Part 2

In my first article on "No Turning Back", I wrote from the perspective of a physical following--completing a task or series of tasks at hand.  In the same general theme of "no turning back", I now come from the perspective of what I have become as a man for my resolve to follow Messiah.  Who am I and how do I view myself in Yahweh's service?

As long as I live, I will likely continue to assess and re-assess my status in Messiah.  Yet, I believe the beginning of my understanding of who I am came from my own mouth in response to an elder Rabbi on the plane bound for Israel last November.  When he asked me if I were Christian or Jew, I responded, "neither; I am Hebrew.  I follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob".  In hearing the words I spoke, I knew I had truly done according to the charge of John in Revelation.

"Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.  For, her sins have reached to heaven, and Yahweh has remembered her iniquities." Revelation 18: 4-5

In hearing my own response to the Rabbi, I realized Father had re-defined me according to my faithfulness to Him in preceding years.  For several years, I had separated myself from many Christian doctrines , yet was still somehow held in the grips of that moniker.  Even so, according to His mercy and loving kindness, I had been taught by His Holy Spirit, having lies replaced with Truth.

The name "Jesus" became of no intrinsic value for me anymore.  I called Him by His true name "Yeshua".   The "J" name had the evolving nature of the invention of man--specifically, from Emperor Constantine of Rome--and was one of many efforts to eradicate our Hebrew heritage from Scripture.  Those that use this Greek name support with their mouth the lies of the "Babylon the great"--the great whore.

For several years, I have celebrated His feasts described in the Torah rather than the pagan spring and winter feasts of Christianity.  Just as with the false name of Messiah, I found these celebrations of Christianity to be pagan in the worst sense.  Those that give homage to these Christian "holly-days" steep themselves in witchcraft and idolatry.  

I study Father's holy Torah and glean from it His ideals of wisdom and life.  For, without a firm understanding of Torah, one CANNOT correctly interpret the New Covenant.  Without a firm foundation in Torah, the tenets of Christianity create nothing more than another false religion with a false messiah.  Yes, I have been re-defined by Father according to the words of Paul to the Galatians.  

"And if you are in Messiah, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3: 29 

For my faithfulness to Him in deed, and according to the testimony of my own mouth, I am no longer a Christian.  By faith, I am of the seed of Abraham.  

This article is a calling for Yahweh's true people to make a "clean break" from the grips of Christianity.  Who are these true people?  Scripture says they are "those that have an ear to hear".  They will have "a heart to obey" as Father spoke through Moses in Deuteronomy 6: 4

The choice is now made available.  Will it be a continuance of Baal-like adherence to the tenets of Christianity and pagan mixture?  After all, Baal worship is nothing more than a mixture of Yahweh's purity of truth with the filth of unholy lies.  Or, will it be a choice for the encouraging peace of obedience through His Holy Spirit?  If the latter, then do as Paul told the Corinthians. 

"Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says Adonai.  Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.  I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says YHVH Almighty."  2 Corinthians 6: 17-18

No Turning Back Part 1

Most of my adult life, there has been a deep desire in my heart to pursue the ideals of Father Yahweh.  In spite of my human weakness and failure through the years, Adonai has daily transformed me, little by little, into a better vessel in His service.  Yet, in the early spring of 2008, Father placed a major choice before me, one that would change my life dramatically.

Sooner or later, likely in multiples of times, Father places choices before each of us to see if we are really committed to Him.  If we pass His test, we can move on to the next level of "perfecting".  For me, that choice was to follow His leading concerning a move from Arizona to Texas, leaving behind a long dead marital relationship.  In my choice to follow Adonai, I relied heavily upon Yeshua's promise through Luke. 

"Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of Yahweh, who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life." Luke 18: 29

Many times thereafter, Father has tested, and will continue to test, my commitment to Him.  Each time I pass His test, I am richly blessed according to this promise through Luke.  The most precious of those blessings was a Godly, new wife that loves Father and His Torah more than anything else.  Both of us esteem Father more than each other, and have attempted to walk humbly by His leading around the country for the last two years, ministering in His true name (Yeshua).

By His direction, SueJean and I recently found ourselves in the little town of Colquitt, Georgia.  Prior to this time, our audiences have been very small in number.  Yet, the numbers were far greater at this venue.  Friends were made quickly, a few TV and radio appearances were made, and there was even talk of expanding my musical horizons in Georgia.  There were even a couple of suggestions I should try out for "American Idol".

Although the thought of a degree of "fortune and fame" had been placed before me, and was rather tempting, I heard other words of Yeshua through Luke, and, it was time to move on. 

"But Yeshua said to him, 'No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of Yahweh.'" Luke 9: 62

To this point, I had learned His lessons well and was blessed accordingly.  Yet, in the coming days, I would face more tests of my resolve to do His bidding.  For several years, I have sung the classic Johnny Horton song, "North To Alaska".  It has always been a fun song to sing and a favorite of many in my audience.  Yet, the song has taken on a whole new meaning in my walk with Him.  For, that's exactly where He is sending us.

On the morning of April 18, 2011, we set out from Georgia in a similar manner as those of the first exodus.  Our first day was filled with eager anticipation and lots of sunshine.  However, after a two day stay in Birmingham, we hitched up our rig in between heavy rain and lightning storms.  From Alabama to Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and even to North Dakota we endured many more such storms that included heavy hail and high head winds.

Each time we passed through a storm or the wind rocked our rig, the thought of turning in another direction crossed our minds.  Even so, we refused to be deterred by the enemy.  As we left Fargo, North Dakota, the winds grew more calm and the sun emerged from the clouds.  Although a little chilly and the encounter of an isolated rain shower, our trip across Canada has so far been smooth sailing.  Each day, our final destination of Alaska and the fulfillment of this leg of our journey with Messiah grows closer.

The telling of our story is not just to tell our story.  For many, this story will be just that--a nice little story.  It's telling has the purpose of encouraging those that truly have a heart to follow Messiah.  Each of His disciples left behind all they had to follow Yeshua--even to the literal giving of their lives in His service.  Those that couldn't stomach the opposition or break from the "tradition of men" fell in mass by the wayside.

This story is written to encourage those that wish to follow Messiah regardless of the opposition, regardless of the cost.  It is written to give strength to that man and/or woman held by ties to unbelieving family members.  It is written to give hope to those that choose to call Him by His true name, follow His Torah, keep His true feasts rather than the pagan, Christian rituals of Christmas and Easter.

It is a good thing for us to love our parents, wives, children, and other family members.  Yet, it is foolish for us to remain in such fellowship if it detracts from following Messiah in purity.  If family members insist on celebrating the pagan holidays and adhering to other false Christian ideals, and it causes strife for the Torah observant believers, it's time for the believer/s to "hit the road".  The words of Yeshua through Matthew speaks loudly for this ideal.

"He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me.  And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.  And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me."  Matthew 10: 37-38
Scripture tells us to "come out of her, my people".  Many in the Christian churches are doing just that.  They are waking up and learning the true ways of our God--Yeshua, Ha' Mashiach.  Even so, there are those caught in between those that choose to continue in Christian lies and those that completely separate themselves from false doctrine.  For those I say, you can't have it both ways.

No one ever won over an unbelieving friend or family member by keeping one foot in Christianity with the other in Torah.  They will just drag you back into the mire from which you are trying to escape.  If these unbelievers will ever come out of the doctrines of Baal, they're ONLY chance is for you to "lead by example".  Heed the Words of Yeshua through John the Revelator.

"And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write...I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.  So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth".  Revelation 3: 14-16

Be encouraged my friends.  Yeshua never said following Him would be easy, even though He said His "yoke is easy and His burden light".  Even so, He did command us to live and preach His true Word (NOT CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE) to the nations and said, "I will be with you even to the end of the world".  We are VERY close to that end, and the time to "gird up our loins" is NOW!