In just a little over two and a half years, I have recorded six music CD albums. It is September 14, 2010, and the day after the recording of number six. Now that it has been completed, I reflect back to the beginning of the recording process. Even though the first album was completed in the spring of 2008, foundations were laid throughout the many years preceding.
Out of a conscious decision in the summer of 1965 to preach and follow the Word of Adonai, I was compelled by YAH's Spirit to dig below the surface of that Word to find precious jewels of HIS wisdom. During the process of the years, I made a specific choice to implicitly follow HIS wisdom rather than the wisdom of men.
In choosing HIS wisdom, many old associations grew cold and disappeared. Even though smaller in number, new circles were established. As time marched on, I was presented with more opportunities to choose HIS wisdom, each time reducing the number of those around me.
As I contemplate today the road I have chosen to follow, I have no regrets. The higher I climb HIS mountain, the more I can truly say as the title song of this album, “Yeshua (is) my Vision”. Although still shackled to this fleshly prison, I can sincerely say as a line in this song, “Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art”.
Until the day I stand unshackled in HIS presence, HE is truly “my Wisdom and my True Word”. The great Father of the universe, our loving Messiah, has chosen me to be HIS adopted son. Until the day I see HIM face to face, HE will dwell within me through HIS Spirit, making me one with HIM in unity.
When those that dare come against HIS chosen son, HE will be “My Breast Plate, my Armor, my Might and Sword for the fight”. HE will be my “soul's Shelter” from the storm, “my High Tower” of defense. Of myself, I am weak and can do nothing. HE is the “Source of my power” and hides me under HIS wings.
Once, I thrived on the praises of men. There was a rush in my soul to stand before an audience, sing a song, and receive accolades accordingly. Even though applause is still much appreciated, I desire HIS accolades above riches or man's praise. Truly I can say, “Yeshua mine Inheritance, now and always, Thou and Thou only, first in my heart; High King of Tsiyon, my Treasure Thou art”.
Until that great day when I shall bow before HIM, I will stand, faithfully looking for the blessed “hope of my salvation”. I will “fight the good fight” in HIS strength. When the battle is done, I long to hear HIS words, “Well done, faithful servant. Enter into the joy of Adonai”. Until that day and beyond, HE is “Heart of my own heart, whatever befalls, Yeshua my Vision, Ruler of all”.
There are nine other songs on this album, each bearing the same theme depicted by this song and the design of the album cover. The rose is a representation of the Scriptural parallel of Yeshua as “The Rose of Sharon” (Song 2: 1). He is the “Bread” (John 6: 35) and the “Wine” (John 6: 53). Unless we eat the bread of HIS flesh and drink the wine of HIS blood, we have no part in HIM.
HE is the center candle of the menorah, hence the center of life. It is this position in our heart, devoid of the ideals of men, HE requires of all HIS true followers. Each of the candles together represent the seven pillars of wisdom in Yeshua, as eloquently taught in Torah. Of course, HIS Holy Torah is the living testimony of HIS Wisdom and foundation of our faith in HIM, as it is the background of this album art.
The Star of David at the base of the menorah represents the covenant Father made with this man after HIS own heart. He promised that only a son of David would ever sit on his throne. Ultimately the Seed of that covenant, Yeshua, will sit on that throne and reign for a thousand years. Those that have the “testimony of Yeshua AND keep HIS commandments” will join HIM in that millennial reign.
The key represents release from our prison of sin, as depicted in the song “The Trial of DannyLee”. As it is sung in the song “Yerushalyem By Morning”, “He paid my sin debt at Calv'ry, broke the curse that held me down”. Because HE loved me enough to pay my just debt, I love HIM enough to fervently follow HIS ways (Torah). “So, I'll be looking for grace when I see HIS face. 'Cause I know my Judge ain't blind.”
This album is available to all that hunger to hear the message of the songs HE has put in my heart. Engineered by Jack Hill for Big Mama Recording Studios in Seymour, Tennessee, this may well be the finest of my album collection. For, each song on this album represents an achieved milestone over the last two years in my studies of HIS Holy Torah—ones that anyone can reach by diligently studying HIS life giving Torah.
You can have this album for your enjoyment and spiritual encouragement. Just select the album(s) of your choice from the order section on this page and complete the process. I pray YHVH's best be for you and those you love. Have a terrific Son-shine day in Messiah!
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