Speaking The Word-A Confession Of Faith

Father, in faith, I come before You and speak Your Word. I pray I find favor in Your eyes as I invoke Your Words of life into my being. Bless the reading and hearing of Your Word to the depths of my spirit and soul in the seen and unseen realm, so as to manifest itself through my body in an outward show of Your glory, majesty, and kindness.  In Yeshua's name I pray.

In order that the communication of my faith, and the purification of my thoughts, may become effectual by my acknowledging every good thing which is in me in Messiah Yeshua, I now speak the Word of Adonai.

Psalms 119:130 says, "The entrance of YHVH's Word gives life". Yeshua said in John 6:63, "The Words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life". As I speak forth YHVH's Word, I am receiving His divine Light and Life (Ps. 27:1; Prov.6:23; John 1:4).

You, Adonai, are the Amen (so be it) and the Faithful and True witness, the beginning of the creation of Elohim (Rev. 3:14). The Words You speak, You will hasten to bring them to pass (Jer. 1:12). Your rod of correction and staff of support through Your Word gives comfort (Ps 23:4; 119:50,76). You are the Elohim of all comfort (2Cor. 2:3), and I bless Your Holy Name.

"This is the day that the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it" (Ps. 118:24). This day is under His complete control. Everything that comes to be in this day will "work together for good", because I love Him and am called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).

I am a new creation created in Messiah Yeshua. My old life of sin has passed away and all things are become new (2Cor 5:17). Once, I was created in the image of Adam (Gen. 5:3). Yet now, I am born again into the image of YHVH, in His likeness and in His Spirit (John 3:5; Col. 3:10).

I am the property of YHVH, for I have been purchased with the precious blood of Adonai, Yeshua Messiah. I am not my own. For, I have been bought with a price (1Cor. 7:21-23). I belong to Him as a bondservant, subordinating my desires for His glory and the advancement of His kingdom (John 6:17-18; Rom. 6:22). I am His divine workmanship, created unto good works and am complete in Messiah Yeshua (Eph. 3:10).

In Him, I am of the seed of Abraham and heir according to the promise (Gal.3:29). By faith in Yeshua, in a blessed time very soon to come, I will dwell with Abraham and the fathers in the Promised Land of Israel.  With Yeshua as our enthroned King, we will dwell together in perpetual peace, serenity, and joy, where sin will no longer come to steal our blessings (Eze. 34:25).

I am free from the curse of the law of sin and death, the bondage of sin, and the yokes of hell, and am now under the law of His Spirit of Life (Rom. 8:1-2). The law of sin and death is, "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die" (Eze. 18:4). The law of the Spirit of Life is, "...whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life..." (John 3:15,16). I stand fast in the faith wherein Messiah has made me free (Gal. 5:1). 

Yeshua said I would know the Truth and the Truth would set me free (John 8:32). This truth is embodied within the whole of His written Word (1Tim. 3:16). Yeshua, Himself, is that Word personified (John 1:1). Rather than rely solely upon interpretations of men, I look to Ruach YHVH to reveal the true character of YHVH/Yeshua, the Great I AM (Ex. 34:6). 

I am at this moment being fashioned into His likeness and image (Phil. 3:21). I am going from glory to glory (2Cor. 3:18), from strength to strength (2Sam. 22:33; Ps. 18:32; 27:1; 84:7). from faith to even more faith (Ps. 27:14; 31:24; Luke 17:5; Rom. 1:17). "In Him Who strengthens me, I can do all things." (Phil. 4:13)

I am filled to overflowing through His Spirit and divine power (Ps. 23:5). The fruit of His Spirit is peace, joy, and love; patience, goodness, kindness, meekness, temperance, and faith, all of which abound in my life, against such there is no law (Gal. 5:22-23).

I am totally submissive to the authority of YHVH's Holy Word (Jas. 4:7). For, YHVH and His Word are One (Deut. 6:4; John 1:1). My life is ordered and disciplined within His Torah. It is my very life (Deut. 32:46-47; Ps. 119:130). I study the whole of YHVH's Word faithfully (2Tim. 2:15).

I meditate on His Torah precepts (Ps. 1:2; 119:15,48; 143:5; 1Tim. 4:14-15), confessing aloud, as well as within my mind (Ps. 26:7), the truth concerning Who Messiah is (John 1:1), what He has done (John 4:34; Heb. 12:2), what He is doing in and through me now (Phil. 1:6), and what He is doing for me as He intercedes for me now at the right hand of YHVH (1John 2:1).

Because of my faith in Messiah and love for all His saints, YHVH is enlarging my capacity to receive revelation knowledge through His Word (Eph. 1: 15-19). Heavenly wisdom and ability in all things that pertain to life and Godliness are mine (Eph. 3).

Satan sin (John 8:44), sickness, poverty, fear, anxiety, doubt, worry, confusion, unbelief, and everything else that Satan represents shall not have any dominion over my life. I resist the devil through YHVH's Word and he flees from me (1Peter 5:18-19; James 4:7).

Every yoke of bondage that Satan would endeavor to fasten on my life is broken through the power of YHVH's anointing (John 8:36; Rom. 5:18). That anointing is within me and upon me (Acts 26:14-18). Therefore, I am encouraged and protected in Adonai (Jer. 20:11; Ps. 91:4).

Because I walk in Messiah's Truth (1Kings 2:4; Ps. 86:11; 3John 1:4, I am prospering in my spirit, soul and body, both is this life and will prosper even greater in the life to come (3John 1:2). According to His Torah, divine heath and financial prosperity are mine through obedience, so that I may be a blessing to those of whom YHVH causes me to meet (Deut. 28:1-14).

I speak and act upon the truth of YHVH's Word (Micah 3:8), full expecting Him to meet all of my needs and to do super abundantly (John 10:10) above all that I can have, hope, dream, or desire in every area of my life (Eph. 3:16; Phil. 4:19).

Father, I again thank You for Your Word and its life giving encouragement. I ask You to bless the planting of its seed into my life in the seen and unseen realm, and that it grow and blossom this man into a tree of Your righteousness. Baruch atta Adonai!