In many of my writings, I have used a lot of one-liners. In the case of this topic, I'm reminded of the saying, "water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink". Water is an ingredient without which life cannot be sustained. Without water, our bodies would shrivel up and die in very short order. Our spiritual lives are very much the same. Although it may take longer to achieve the same end, without the water of fellowship, our spirit and soul withers away.
In our day of a church on nearly every corner...sometimes on all four would think there is no shortage of fellowship. Just find one to your liking and dive in, right? Not exactly. It's more like another one-liner--"can't see the forest for the trees". I remember as a young man looking for youth groups with whom I could share fellowship. With each group considered, I would soon find myself moving on to the next. There were great people in each group, but acceptance was incomplete or non existent.
For nearly two years, SueJean and I have traveled around the country sharing our music and the love of Messiah Yeshua. Everywhere we go, we meet great people. Yet, at day's end, we have many times found ourselves to have been floating on a sea of humanity without a drop of fellowship to drink. Each time, we were moving in the direction we felt Father moving us, yet, on the other, we were many times left with the feeling of aimless wandering.
From the beginning of our ministry, our purpose was to seek out the remnant of Israel where ever we might find them and render to them encouragement. Though we tried to be a part of larger fellowships on the way, we were faced with varying degrees of rejection. Yet, as we have come to understand of Father's purpose, we found two or three here, and family there, and occasionally individual persons elsewhere.
Each time we encountered such persons, we felt immersed in His Spirit of Peace. We left each meeting knowing we had accomplished the task Father had placed before us. Yet, our human need for continuing fellowship seemed to need refilling almost as often as our truck needed fuel. Each time we would read in Torah of the gathering of the assembly, our spirits would cry. Sometimes that crying of the spirit would spill over into physical tears.
On one such occasion while listening to a specific Torah teaching on this subject, Father ministered to our spirits. He gave us comfort in His words through Matthew in 18: 20. "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." Once again, we felt the peaceful comfort of Messiah putting His arms around us and reassuring us with a truth we had known and experienced many times before.
We are only two, yet, with Yeshua, we make a majority. We have blessed fellowship for our spirit, soul, and humanity. Whether we are high or low in spirit, He is ever with us, like the doting Father He is. When this majority hooks up, even for a short time, with other remnant individuals or families, blessings flow like a river from His Throne of grace.
For a time, we must continue with our majority of three. Yet, in the very near future, that will change. There is a gathering preparing itself, and is at the very door. It is written that we will be among a number known "as the stars of heaven"..."as the sand of the sea". Until that time, I encourage any of my readers that may find themselves in a similar situation like us to take joy in knowing you are not alone. Yeshua is "with you always, even to the end of the age".