Perashas Emor
A Study of Torah
Leviticus 21-24
The Hebrew word “Emor” means “speech, a saying, or the spoken word”. There is an old saying that says, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can ne'er hurt me”. The saying is blatantly false.
While a stick swung with or without intent can certainly hurt our physical bodies, words carelessly or purposely spoken can hurt down to the very soul leaving emotional scars for a lifetime, or even spiritual wounds that last for an eternity.
Words spoken carelessly or heartlessly are like stones tossed into a body of water. The “ripple effect” caused by irresponsible usage of our words sets in motion in every direction rings of fire that cannot be stopped until they burn all in their path.
Possibly one of the most volatile arenas for negative verbiage and attitude concerns Shabbat and special feasts of YHVH enumerated in chapter 23. Messianics routinely split over Sabbath and the feasts. Some have rightly called them “messy” anics.
Paul writes to the Colossians in 2: 16, “Let no one judge you...regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths...” How wonderful it would be if everyone adhered to this principle! Yet, judging and isolation permeates our fellowships.
Some find themselves accepting the stated doctrines of their assembly just to have fellowship. Others earnestly search for truth, come to an understanding different from their assembly, and either become isolated or receive the “left foot” of fellowship.
A day is coming when two brothers will be in a camp (or foxhole) together. Will questions of our brother be of fellowship and survival, or his timing of New Moon, Shabbat, or feasts? As it stands today, war is in the camp, not the peace of unity.
As it stands today in Messianic circles, there is little difference between they and the baal-like christian churches they left. A difference of opinion usually means isolation, apostasy, or the birth of yet another unneeded denomination (division).
YHVH has for several years been gathering His elect together. He began by staging them in separate groups and locations. He is now starting to blend some of those groups together. It would be good to start adhering to Paul's admonition in Colossians.
The times within which we now live are tumultuous and present peril of life at nearly every turn. The escalation of negative, current events demands a cessation of negative “Emor” and a lot more brotherly love, especially from leaders and teachers.
We will one day be held accountable for our words and actions. As we have judged, so we will be judged (Matthew 7: 1). Our words will one day be collected from the four corners of the earth by the Master Judge and heaped back upon us.
When Messiah returns for us, and together we walk the streets of Jerusalem, Yeshua will personally teach us His pure ways of Torah. So, let us put on a little more humility before our brethren NOW. In that day, we may find we were ALL wrong!