We are mired in a time of year that makes my soul cringe. It's a time of bell ringers, christmas trees, and fancy lights. It's a time of revelry and gala gatherings. It's a time of santa claus and presents under the tree. It's a time of witchcraft and idolatry!!
It doesn't take “rocket science” to understand the idolatrous nature of christmas. I will not try to “re-invent the wheel” with this post. Rather, I will simply refer my readers to various websites that explain the pagan origins of the festivities associated with this time of year.
There are many sites that explain the origins of christmas. A simple web search for key words such as “christmas tree”, “origins of christmas”, etc. will garner a wealth of information regarding the subject. As a beginning, I direct my readers to the following two sites.
I have been told the celebration of christmas is “an American tradition”. Certainly, it has become so in our land. However, it's a tradition welcomed by many generations prior to our country. A simple search of the date, “December 25th”, will also garner a wealth of information regarding the pagan gods associated with this time of year.
As a sincere follower of Yeshua, I am saddened with the direction taken by the majority of people in our country. Such idolatry delivered Israel and Judah into the bondage of exile. Idolatry is never good for the future of any nation.
If I am saddened by the obsession of this country's citizenry for the hideous trappings of christmas, I am horrified and angered with the blasphemous connection of Messiah and christmas by “so-called” preachers and pastors that have “gone whoring” after the gods of this holiday.
It is bad enough to pay homage to these gods by participating in the revelry of the season. However, it's a travesty of blasphemy against the person of our Adonai and Messiah to assign December 25th as the day to honor the birth of our Lord. Listed below are two more websites where sincere truth seekers can search for truth concerning the true day of our Messiah's birth.
It is common knowledge that Messiah's birth is in the fall. Overwhelming Biblical evidence places His birth during the Feast of Tabernacles. How neat—one of the Hebrew feasts required in YHVH's Torah! Yet, for gain of the “almighty dollar”, preachers stand in their pulpits and lie to members of their flock—blasphemously substituting pagan rituals for YHVH's Holy Torah.
This post is not intended to win friends and influence people. It's unashamed posture is to proclaim the truth of YHVH. If feelings are hurt, then so be it. The fact is; adherence or reverence to christmas in ANY form or to ANY degree is witchcraft and idolatry. To label christmas as “the reason for the season”, or equate Messiah with any trapping of christmas is blasphemy.
With the language of this post, it should be clear as to where we stand in the matter involving this ungodly holiday. It should also be understood why I am highly grieved when someone wishes me “merry christmas”. My response is a holy “bah humbug”!
To put accent on these thoughts, I leave my readers with the words of a great man in the service of YHVH—a man highly respected by YHVH and this man. “Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the river and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24: 14-15